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Q: On a test a student got 15 problems correct out of a total of 20 problems. What percent did the student get incorrect?
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A student answered3questions out of40 equals what percent test incorrectly.what percent was correct?

92.5% incorrect answers (test score = 7.5%)

On a biology test a student got 25 questions correct but did not pass On a second attempt the student got 35 questions correct What was the percent of increase?

The percent that 35 is increased from 25 is (35 - 25) / 25 * 100, or 40 percent.

On a biology test a student got 25 questions correct but did not pass on the second attemp the student got 30 questions correct what was the percent increase?


A test has 20 questions. Correct answers get +3 and incorrect answers (-1). A student answered 5 questions incorrectly. How many points did the student score?


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A student answered three questions on a 40 question test incorectly. What percent did the student answer correctly?

3/40 = 0,075 0,075 x 100 = 7,5 % 100% - 7,5 % = 92,5 % correct

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The probability of getting at least 1 correct answer is equal to one minus theprobability of answering all incorrect, this would be;P(atleast 1 correct) =1 - P(allincorrect) =1 - (1/2)8 =1 - 0.00390625 ~~ 0.9961 ~ 99.61%

Which one is correct 'There is no any student' or 'There is not any student'?

Neither is correct. You would say "There are no students" or "There is not one student" or "There are not any students."

What is the correct terminology an honor student or a honor student?

The correct terminology between an honor student or a honor student depends on how it is being used. The most common way it is used would be an honor student.

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.7x-.6x=9, .1x=9, x=9/.1=90 students

How do you spell student?

That is the correct spelling of "student" (one who studies, a pupil).