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Based on their composition.

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Q: On what basis do scientists classify the minerals?
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Do scientists classify plants and animals using certain charaterisics?

Scientists classify plants and animals on the basis of tasonomy. Taxonomy is classsification, identification and nomenclature of living organisms. Taxonomy is used to classify organisms on the basis of their characteristics, mode of nutrition etc.

What feature is not a property that scientists use to classify minerals in rocks?

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How do you identify all the properties scientists use to classify minerals?

By there color, hardness, density, luster, streak, plus crystalshare

What are the animal classification systems?

In accordance with the Linnaeus method, scientists classify the animals, as they do the plants, on the basis of shared physical characteristics

How do scientists classify mount kilauea?

scientists classify Mount Kilauea as a shield volcano

What are two items used to classify minerals?

Luster and composition are two characteristics used to classify minerals.

How do scientists classify organisms into different Kingdoms?

scientists use taxonomy to classify and separate them into different groups

Who are the scientists involving in classifying of organisms?

Aristotle was first to classify organisms on the basis of similarities,Theophrastus classified the plants,Carolus linnaeous,margulis and Schwartz.

How do scientists classify bacteria?


What do scientists classify silicon as?

a semiconductor

How do scientists classify vertebrates into different groups?

Scientists classify vertebrate into different groups by the way the animal looks or how big or small it is

What are the characteristics Scientists use to classify rocks?

they classify the rocks by their texture and compisition