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This is a simple math problem that can be written as x = 68 - (-15). This reduces to x = 68 + 15, which equals 83.

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Q: One day when terry went to school the temperature outside was -15 degrees Fahrenheit in terrys classroom the temperature was 68 degrees Fahrenheit how many more degrees was it inside the building than?
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One day when Terry went to school the temperature outside was 15 degrees Fahrenheit In Terrys classroom the temperature was 68 degrees Fahrenheit How many more degrees was it inside the building?

The temperature difference inside the building was 53 degrees Fahrenheit.

One day when terry went to school the temperature outside was -15 degrees Fahrenheit in terrys classroom the temperature was 68 degrees Fahrenheit how many more degrees was it inside the building?

The temperature difference between the outside and inside of the building is 83 degrees Fahrenheit. This is calculated by subtracting the outside temperature (-15°F) from the inside temperature (68°F), resulting in 83 degrees Fahrenheit.

One day when terry went to school the temperature outside was -15 degrees Fahrenheit in terry's classroom the temperature was 68 degrees Fahrenheit how many more degrees was in inside?

The difference in temperature between the outside (-15°F) and inside (68°F) of Terry's classroom is 83 degrees Fahrenheit (68 - (-15) = 83). Terry's classroom was 83 degrees warmer than the temperature outside.

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about 75 degrees Fahrenheit

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The temperature of 85 degrees Fahrenheit is 25 degrees cooler than a temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

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5 degrees fahrenheit

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The temperature drop from 8 degrees Fahrenheit to -17 degrees Fahrenheit is 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

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32 degrees fahrenheit.

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Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (37.8 degrees Celsius) * (1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = 100.04 degrees -------------------------------------------------------

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It is 22 Fahrenheit degrees (NOT 22 degrees Fahrenheit, since this is not a ratio scale).

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32 degrees Fahrenheit = 0 degrees Celsius