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a greater number of formal rules are needed to govern activity in the House.

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Q: One major difference between the house and senate is the total number of members a difference that has meant?
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Which describes a difference between the duties of House members and the duties of Senate members?

no no i cant answer it i was asking u 2 answer it!

Total number of representatives allowed?

The total number of House of Representatives allowed is 435 members. The total number of Senate members is 2 per state and with 50 states that is 100 Senate members.

The number of people that serve in the house and senate?

There are 435 members in the United States House of Representatives and 100 members in the United States Senate.

Number of members per state for the senate?


Number of members per state for senate?

There are two members per state in the Senate and they serve six years per term. The Senate was first convened in 1789.

How is the number of members from each state determined senate?

The Constitution says that the Senate be composed of two Senators from each State (therefore, the Senate currently has 100 Members).

What are the 2 differences between the House and Senate?

There is one big difference. The House of Representatives has 435 members. Each state has a different amount of representatives based on population. The Senate has 100 members, 2 from each state. They usually both do the same job.

Which term is used when referring to the political party with the greatest number of members in the Senate?

The political party with the greatest number of members in the Senate is referred to as the majority party.

How do members of the house differ from members of the senate?

in number, length of term, and required qualifications

What are two important difference between the house and the senate?

1.The House of Representatives:Its members are not most responsible to the people who elect them because they serve for only two years. 2.The senate: Senators are elected for longer terms than House members, six-years.

How is the number of electors for each state determined?

The number of electors is determined by the state's number of members in the House plus the number of members in the Senate.

The number of members in the senate is based on what?

Equality under the law