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The US was considered as a World Power for the first time.

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13y ago

Became known as a world power.

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Q: One major result of the Spanish-American War was that the US?
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A major result of the spanish-American war was that the United States did what?

A major result of the Spanish-American War was that the United States obtained overseas colonies.

Which was the major result of the civil war?

The North won!

What was one result of the French and the Indian war?

The French and Indian War in 1756 was a major conflict between Great Britain and France. It was fought in India and in North America. One major result in North America was with France's defeat, all her claims in North America were given to the British.

A major result of the civil war was?

The end of slavery in the USA.

What was the major result of the Revolutionary war?

The United States of America was formed.

What was a major turning point in the civil war?

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A major result of the civil war was that?

union survived. slaves were freed.

What were the cause and result of the Mexican - American war?

The Annexation of Texas by the US was a major cause and the result of the war was Mexican Cession and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

What was the major result of the Civil War?

The re-uniting of the states as free soil.

In Africa a major result of World War 2 was?

your mom being a casualty

Who was the major participant in World War 1 that didn't wish to have much or any involvement?

The United States, who wanted to remain out of it, but were brought in as a result of an attack from Germany; they became one of the major players