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A good insulator material is rubber and can block heat and electricity from almost anything. Glass is a good insulator too if you are trying to insulate electricity. Plastic is good as well. Most metals are OK conductors. Copper is very good, and Gold is the best, but it is heavy and expensive.

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13y ago
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1w ago

Copper is commonly used as a conductor due to its high electrical conductivity, making it ideal for transmitting electricity. On the other hand, rubber is often used as an insulator because it does not conduct electricity well and can be used to prevent electrical currents from flowing.

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11y ago

There are conductors of heat and conductors of electricity. There are also insulators of both types.

The following are generally true.

Good electrical conductors are bad heat insulators. They conduct heat well.

Good insulators for heat are good insulators for electricity.

This is because the thing that causes an electric conductor to conduct electricity well is the freedom the electrons have to move around in the conductor. When electrons are heated, the can move the heat energy around too.

Electrical insulators do not have these free electrons so they do not have the extra help of the electrons in conducting heat. So, insulators of electricity don't do a great job at conducting heat.

These are only general statements and there is a wide range of thermal conductivity for electrical insulators, and so you can not say anything quantitative about this general trend.

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14y ago

I think it can depending on the temperature.

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13y ago

three materials that are used as conductors are copper, gold, and silver

three for insulators are rubber, plastic and glass

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13y ago


are you asking about thermal, electrical, audio. These are different mechanisms.

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11y ago

Carbon! it is also a semiconductor.

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Q: One material that is used as a conductor and one that is used as an insulator?
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A conductor differs from an insulator in that a conductor is an?

A conductor is a material that has one or a few electrons in the outer shell of its atoms. These electrons are easily knocked loose, or are already moving about in the material. When a voltage is applied to a conductor, these electrons are repelled by the negative polarity and attracted by the positive polarity. Their movement is called "current". a conductor is a material that transports electrons and electricity can pass through it, metals are good conductors. a insulator is something that is a barrier to electrons and can not pass electricity, rubber is a good insulator.

Can you give me a definition of electrical conductive?

'Conductive', in the electrical sense, describes the property of a material which enables an electric current to pass through that material. An electric current is a drift of charge carriers -in the case of a metal, these charge carriers are negatively-charged free electrons, but in other materials, such as electrolytes (conducting fluids) the charge carriers may be charged atoms, called ions. For a material to act as a conductor, it needs to have sufficient charge carriers to support current flow; if there are too few, then we say the material is an insulator. There is no such thing as a 'perfect' conductor or a 'perfect' insulator, but we can list different materials on a scale where one end represents an excellent conductor (or a very poor insulator) and the opposite end represents an excellent insulator (or a very poor conductor). The property used to define whether a particular material is classified as a conductor or an insulator is termed its 'resistivity', expressed in ohm metres.

can you give a definition of electrical conductive?

'Conductive', in the electrical sense, describes the property of a material which enables an electric current to pass through that material. An electric current is a drift of charge carriers -in the case of a metal, these charge carriers are negatively-charged free electrons, but in other materials, such as electrolytes (conducting fluids) the charge carriers may be charged atoms, called ions. For a material to act as a conductor, it needs to have sufficient charge carriers to support current flow; if there are too few, then we say the material is an insulator. There is no such thing as a 'perfect' conductor or a 'perfect' insulator, but we can list different materials on a scale where one end represents an excellent conductor (or a very poor insulator) and the opposite end represents an excellent insulator (or a very poor conductor). The property used to define whether a particular material is classified as a conductor or an insulator is termed its 'resistivity', expressed in ohm metres.

Is a wax crayon a good conductor?

it is a conductor, but rather a very weak one. VERY WEAK

Is a spoon a conductor or insulator?

A metal spoon would be a conductor, but a plastic one would be an insulator.🍴

Is a flame an insulator or a conductor?

Flame is composed of very hot gas; as such it would not be used either as an insulator or as a conductor, but one could make an argument that it is a conductor, since it does conduct heat and since it does contain some ionized gas, it can conduct electricity.

Is a crayon a conductor or an insulator?

A crayon is a conductor but a rather weak one.

Is wood conductor or a insulator?

wood is an insulator because charges stay on the point of contact.

Is salt water a conductor or a insulator?


Is a key a insulator or a conductor?

A metal key would conduct electricity.

Is skin a conductor or a insulator?

It's more of a conductor, but not a very good one.

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wool is a insulator