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The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar.

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Q: One of the best places to seek protection during a tornado is?
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What are the best places to seek protection during a tornado?

Underground shelter.

Where is one of the best places to seek protection durng a tornado?

The safest place to be during a tornado is in a basement or storm cellar.

Why should you take shelter underground during a tornado?

In a tornado it is best to get as low as possibly in order to protect yourself from the wind and debris. Having a few feet of earth between you and the tornado provides quite a bit of protection.

Is it safe to hide under a bridge in a tornado?

No. It can be one of the worst places; although there is video footage of a man with his daughter surviving as they took cover under a bridge. They survived mainly because the tornado missed the bridge. The bridge itself creates a wind tunnel effect that cause the wind to accelerate as it passes through. Additionally, bridges offer no protection from debris, which is the main killer in a tornado.

What is a safe tornado house?

No house can offer 100% protection from a tornado. The best option is a house with a basement to go to in case of a tornado.

What are the top three places to hide during a tornado?

The best places to take cover in a tornado areIn a basement or cellarIn a windowless room or hallway near the center of a house on the lowest floor.A bathroom

Is it safe to be indoors during a tornado?

If it is in a sturdy house or building, yes. In fact it is best to be indoors and preferably underground during a tornado.

What two places you should be when there's a tornado?

The best place to be in the event of a tornado is in a basement or cellar. If that is not an option, then go to an interior room on the lowest floor of your house.

What do you do during a tornado indoors?

hide in your bathroom! inside your tub will be the best place

How do you survive in a tornado?

The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar. If you do not have one go to an interior room or hallway, stay away from windows. A bathroom often provides good protection, especially if you lie down in the bathtub. Abandon mobile homes and vehicles for studier shelter. If you are caught outside with no access to shelter, lie in a ditch or depression. Do not attemept to outrun a tornado.

How do you survive a tornado?

The best place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar. If you do not have one go to an interior room or hallway, stay away from windows. A bathroom often provides good protection, especially if you lie down in the bathtub. Abandon mobile homes and vehicles for studier shelter. If you are caught outside with no access to shelter, lie in a ditch or depression. Do not attemept to outrun a tornado.

What is one of the best places in a building to seek protection during a tornado?

The safest part of a building during a tornado is the lowest part, particularly if it is underground. You also want to put as many walls between you and the outside as possible, so rooms near the center are usually the safest. If central rooms are not an option, you still want to go to a room without windows if possible. Bathrooms and interior hallways are often a good option.