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One of the discoveries that led to the modern view of the Solar System was that the "orbits" of the planets were ellipses.

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Q: One of the discoveries that led to the modern view of the Solar System was that the BLANK of the planets were ellipses?
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One of the discoveries which led to the modern view of the solar system was that the orbits of the planets are?


Who created the modern model of the solar system by discovering that the planets move in ellipses?

Johannes Kepler whose new theory was published in 1609.

What is the modern day system of classification?

It can incorporate new scientific discoveries.

What planets were discovered in the solar system in modern times?

Uranus in 1783, Neptune in 1846.

Who created the modern model of the solar system by discovering that the planets move in ellipse?

Johannes Kepler.

According to modern theory how was the solar system formed?

The solar system formed from a giant molecular cloud of gas and dust around 4.6 billion years ago. As gravity caused the cloud to collapse, the center formed the Sun and the remaining material coalesced to form planets, asteroids, and comets through a process called accretion. The planets then settled into their current orbits as a result of gravitational interactions and orbital dynamics.

What planets are there not just in your solar system?

Planets found outside our own solar system are called exo-solar planets or exoplanets. These are in orbit around other stars. It's ver difficult to detect them due to the distances involved, but with modern techniques, over 500 have been confirmed.

How does the Ptolemaic model differ from the modern day model?

The Ptolemaic model placed Earth at the center of the universe, with other celestial bodies orbiting around it, while the modern model places the Sun at the center of the solar system, with planets orbiting around it. The Ptolemaic model also incorporated complex epicycles to explain planetary motions, whereas the modern model explains them through the laws of gravity and elliptical orbits.

What discovery led to the modern view of the solar system was that the orbits of the planets?

The wording of this question needs to be improved to understand what you mean.

Is Copernicus theory correct?

No physical theory is completely correct, because measurements always have a built-in error that you hope is small. But Copernicus's theory explaining in detail how the planets move was accurate enough for its time and was only found lacking later when observational techniques became sufficiently refined to show its errors. In modern times we have better theories for planetary orbits but Copernicus's general idea that all the planets orbit round the Sun is now generally accepted since Newton's theoretical discoveries, which were applied to showed that the Sun is far more massive than anything else in the solar system.

In light of modern solar system theory why do the orbits of the planets all lie in nearly the same plane?

The orbits of the planets all lie in nearly the same plane for preservation of angular momentum.

Which Planets were only discovered in modern times?

The gas giant planets Uranus and Neptune.