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The cardinal points of a chart are the beginnings of each quadrant. the four quadrants are found by dividing the circle into hemispheres both vertical and horizontal. This give you 4 quadrants; each quadrant is further divide in to three houses the first being Cardinal, the second multiple, and the third succeeding. The 4 cardinal signs are Aries (fire) 1st house 1st quadrant, Cancer (water) 1st house 2nd quadrant, Libra (air) 1st house 3rd quadrant and Capricorn (earth) 1st house of the 4th quadrant.

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Q: One of the fourcardinal points of an astrological chart?
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One of the four cardinal points of an astrological chart?


Will an astrological reading from 5 years back and now be the same?

Astrological profiles are interpretations of your birth chart. Any person's birth chart is made according to the place, date, and time of your birth. So your birth chart is always going to remain the same, irrespective of whether you have an astrological reading at 6 or sixty. Although your astrological profile, in terms of who you are, will broadly remain the same over the years, different aspects of your personality will be apparent at different points in your life. At a certain age, some aspect of your character may have been stronger and will have thus reflected in your astrological reading, whereas at some other age, a new part of your personality may be stronger, and thus you may get an astrological reading which interprets that. Astrological readings are based on the comparison of the position of your planets at the time of reading in connection to their positions at the time of your birth. Thus, you will get different readings due to the change in planetary positions, depending on the times of such readings. And lastly, because astrological readings are made by astrologers, who all have their different styles and different interpretations; any reading from one astrologer may focus on a certain aspect of your life, whereas a reading from another astrologer may focus on an entirely different aspect, with both being accurate but just in different areas.

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The definition is any chart where one or more points lie off the straight line joining the other points.

How is one's astrological star sign determined?

The astrological star sign determined by one's day of birth. It is a very complicated and confusing question. One should check livescience website for more information.

Can you be two astrological signs?

no, you're only born in one month on one day. therefore, you cannot have to astrological signs for two different birthdays, unless you were somehow born twice.

How do you edit many charts in PowerPoint in the same way as quickly as possible?

You cannot operate "mass" chart edits in Powerpoint. When you double-click a chart within Powerpoint, it opens that specific chart in the edit program, and ends that program when you return to the presentation. As a Powerpoint professional, the best advice I would give if you know you will / may have changes to a series of charts is to create one chart to your liking, then duplicate it many times. Then, if you need to change text from 18 points to 22 points, you will simply make the same change by opening each chart, changing, and closing it.

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how do you put a chart on another worksheet?

When you are creating a chart using the Chart Wizard you can choose where to put the chart, either on an existing Sheet or on one of its own. You can also Cut and Paste a chart from one worksheet to another.

What is 33 percent in a pie chart?

One third of the chart.

What is a good website to get a Vedic Astrology reading?

Tamilsonline is one of the leading Website that provides horoscope, horoscope compatibility, Astrological almanac, astrological naming, planetary positions for any given time, etc

How do you change a column chart ao a pie chart?

Not all column charts can be converted to pie charts. It can only be done if the column chart has a single series, as a pie chart can only have one series. If the column chart has more than one series, only one series will be shown when it becomes a pie chart. If the column chart has a single series then going to the Chart menu and choosing Chart type will enable you to change it.