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Q: One or more chronic illness with mild exacerbation progression or side effects of treatment is an example of what level of risk?
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Is black death chronic or acute?

Chronic because with out treatment you would die. with treatment it would still leave you with permanent damage with acute side effects. lol

What is the treatment for Reye syndrome?

There is no cure for Reye syndrome. Treatment is considered supportive, meaning that treatment is given to address the specific complications, in order to try to prevent progression of the liver and brain damage and permanent effects.

Is chronic pain in joints associated with interferon treatments?

Joint pain can be one of the side effects of interferon treatment.

What are the side effects of simepar tablets?

Simepar tablets are used in the treatment of chronic liver disease. There are no listed or known side effects of the drug that contains milk thistle.

Where can i find headach theorpy at?

In general, the effects of biofeedback appear to be comparable to many drugs used for chronic headaches, and can be recommended as early treatment.

What are the considerations of analgesic therapy for chronic pain?

Chronic more difficult to treat, since the anticipated side effects of the analgesics are more difficult to manage.Generally,chronic pain management requires a combination of drug therapy, life-style modification,and other treatment modalities.

What is the prognosis for people with lead poisoning?

if chronic lead poisoning is caught early, these negative effects can be limited by reducing future exposure to lead and getting proper medical treatment.

Do HIV drugs work perfectly or not at all?

Medications used to treat HIV infection have come a long way but they are far from perfect. With treatment, HIV is considered a chronic infection and not a terminal illness. However, HIV medications may have serious side effects that cause patients difficulty in day-to-day interactions. Despite adverse side effects, HIV medications are good at preventing the progression of the disease and help clients stay healthier for longer periods of time.

What are the Possible effects of ongoing or chronic stress are?

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What are side effects of spinal tap?

This occurs in 10-30% of adult patients and in up to 40% of children.

Is polio chronic?

The disease of polio is generally not chronic in nature. The effects of the disease, however, can have lifelong and major health consequences.

What is the best treatment for chronic prostatitis?

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is the best treatment for chronic prostatitis since antibiotic has drug resistance and side-effects. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has no effect whatsoever, so it is perfectly safe! Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a traditional Chinese medicine that can kill various bacteria, viruses and pathogens, and cure mycoplasma, Chlamydia. It can cure prostatitis within 3 months.