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Q: Opaque atmosphere keeps this planet hot?
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Which planet opaque atmosphere keeps this planet hot?

I don't now

What planet has opaque atmospheres to keep it hot?

Venus has a very thick atmosphere of Carbon dioxide. Its average surface pressure is a crushing 93 bar, or 93 times that of Earths. The thick atmosphere keeps the suns heat in, making it the hottest planet in our solar system.

Planet with hot surface and no atmosphere?

Mercury is a planet with a hot surface and virtually no atmosphere. During the day, temperatures can reach up to 430 degrees Celsius, while at night they can drop to around -180 degrees Celsius due to the lack of atmosphere to retain heat.

Water keeps the planet from getting to hot and cold?

no !

How does the atmosphere affect your planet?

if we didn't have an atmosphere during the day our planet would be very hot and during the night our planet would be very cold

Which planet has a hot atmosphere and about the same size as the earth?


What keeps the temperature from getting to high in hot places?

a jetstream which is in the atmosphere

What is a very hot planet?

mercury Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System due to the fact that it has a very thick atmosphere containing hot and poisonous gas, which traps heat in. It is also the second planet from the sun. Mercury has no atmosphere, so it isn't as hot.

Hot dense and acidic planet closest of?

The hot dense planet with an acidic atmosphere is Venus. It is often the closest planet to Earth. That may be the answer, but the question is not totally clear.

What planet has a hot turbulent atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide?


What planet has an atmosphere of hot swirling clouds of carben dioxid?


Which planet has a atmosphere of hot Swirling clouds of carbon dioxide?
