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There is no organic molecule with that configuration. All organic molecules have carbon in them.

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Water (H2O) is the organic molecule that has hydrogen and oxygen present in a 2:1 ratio.

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H2O has a ratio of one carbon atom to two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom.

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Formaldehyde would be such a compound. It has the formula of CH2O, so it is an organic compound, and has a hydrogen to oxygen ratio of 2:1.

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The ratio 2H/O is for water (H2O).

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Q: Organic molecule that has hydrogen and oxygen present in a 2H to 1o ratio?
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What element must be present for a molecule to be considered an organic molecule?

Carbon must be present in a molecule for it to be considered an organic molecule. Organic compounds are typically composed of carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and other elements.

What distinguishes an organic molecule from and inorganic molecule?

Organic molecules contain carbon and are typically found in living organisms, while inorganic molecules do not contain carbon and are often found as minerals or gases. Inorganic molecules are simpler in structure and may not necessarily be involved in biological processes, unlike organic molecules which are essential for life.

A molecule is said to be organic if it contains?

An organic molecule is a molecule and that contains carbon atoms that are connected to hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen atoms. Glucose has carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms so it is organic.

Organic molecules are made up of what?

The definition of an organic molecule is 'carbon containing.' The hydrogen is not necessary, but is often present.

Is an oxygen molecule an organic molecule?

No, it's not organic (an organic molecule has to contain carbon.)

An organic molecule always contains one or more atoms of?

An organic molecule comprises of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. It may contain two or more atoms.

What characteristics do many organic compounds in common?

Most of the organic molecules have good bit of number of carbons in it.An organic molecule having carbon, Hydrogen and oxygen is called ether.An organic molecule having carbon, hydrogen and Nitrogen is called amines.All organic compounds have carbon and hydrogen in them, the compound needs both carbon and hydrogen to be organic.

Is hydrogen chloride organic molecule?

No, hydrogen chloride is not considered an organic molecule. It is a simple inorganic compound composed of hydrogen and chlorine atoms. Organic molecules are generally composed of carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen and possibly other elements like oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur.

Oxygen and which other element make a water molecule?

Hydrogen. Two hydrogen atoms combine with one oxygen atom to form a water molecule (H2O).

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Anaerobic respiration occurs when an organic molecule accepts hydrogen atoms in the absence of oxygen. This process typically involves glycolysis followed by fermentation to produce ATP in the absence of oxygen.

Is C4H10 organic or inorganic?

C8H18 is indeed an organic molecule. It is an aliphatic compound, meaning it is composed of carbon hydrogen and it is not aromatic.

Is h2so4 an organic molecule?

No, H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) is not an organic molecule. Organic molecules contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, but sulfuric acid does not have any carbon atoms in its chemical structure.