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parasite is the organism that lives on other organism without any benefit to the host.

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Q: Organism that lives inside or on another organism?
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What is an organism that lives inside or on another organism?

A parasite.

What Organism lives inside of another organism that harms it?


What is an organisms that lives inside or on another organism?

A parasite.

What is an organ that lives inside or another organism?

A parasite.

Into which group would you place a multicellular organism that has a mouth and lives inside the human liver?

This is a parasite. A parasite lives , grows or shelters in another organism without benefit to that other organism.

Where one organism lives inside another and both are benifitted?


What can an organism do while living in an organism?

An organism that lives in another organism can kill it. At times this organism can live quite awhile in another organism.


Parasitism: a relationship in which one organism benefits while the other organism is harmed

What is an organism called that lives in or on another organism for the purpose of obtaining food?

A parasite is an organisms that lives in or on another organism to obtain food directly.

What is a natural relationship in which one organism lives in or on another organism and benefits from the relationship while the other organism may be harmed?

A natural relationship in which one organism lives in or on another organism and benefits from the relationship while the other organism may be harmed is a parasitic relationship.

A organism living in or on another organism?

The term used for an organism living in or on another depends on the nature of the relationship.- If the relationship is mutually beneficial (mutalism) then the organism can be called a symbiont.- If the relationship does not benefit the host, the organism can be called a parasite.Parasites can be endoparasites, which live inside the host, or ectoparasites, which live on the host.Some biologists use the term symbiont for any organism in a close interaction with another. This would mean parasites could also be called symbionts.

Who is tapeworm?

a tapeworm is a parasite. a parasite is an organism that lives off another organism.