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Q: Out of 34 people 21 need to attend what percentage still needs to attend?
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Yes, of course you can be Autistic and still go to college. Many Autistic people are highly intelligent so will not only go to college but often outperform their peers or even attend college before peers of the same age. Although many Autistic people require support to be able to attend college, although support for Autistic students is improving often it's not sufficient or they force support on Autistic students which is inappropriate to their needs.

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As of 2021, about 48.7% of people born in 1949 are still alive. This percentage will continue to decrease as time goes on.

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Lower league teams make most of their money from selling tickets, some from their sponsor and very little from merchandising sales. Mid-level league teams make a balance between ticket sales and sponsor money, and some (but still a small percentage) from merchandising sales. Top teams make most of their money from merchandising sales, some from sponsors and a very small percentage from ticket sales.

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As of 2021, approximately 34% of people born in the UK in 1951 are still alive.

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