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Can happen. Some places have a law stating that you must have a helmet to ride a bike. If you haven't, you might be stopped by the police and given a ticket.

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Q: Paying money for not wearing a helmet for bike?
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What sentence to use for helmet?

While I was on my bike I painfully fell off of it although luckily I was wearing my sturdy helmet.

Can i die from wearing a bike helmet?

Highly unlikely. Not wearing one could increase your chances of injury in an accident.

Is wearing a helmet good for riding a bike?

As long as you don't fall off, wearing a helmet or not doesn't matter. But if you should fall off, a helmet offers easy and inexpensive protection against head injuries.

Can you get a ticket for not wearing a bike helmet?

In CA you can. Other states I don't know. In most states you can only get a ticket if you are under the age of 13 and without a bike helmet, but again, this varies between states.

Is wearing a riding hat important?

Yes! Make sure youu always wear a helmet when jumping! Whenever riding, have proper riding helmet, not a bike helmet or anything else!

Can you get a ticket at a park for not wearing padding and a helmet on a bike?

Depending where you live.... it is a free country.... well in the U.S.A.

Can you make sentence with the word protection?

Wearing a helmet is important for head protection while riding a bike.

Why should you wear helmet when riding to somewhere?

Safety! The helmet will protect your head in case you fall off or get thrown off the horse, much like wearing a helmet on a bike or motorcycle. You should always wear a helmet.

Does the use of a helmet greatly decrease the risk of injury during a bike accident?

Wearing a bicycle helmet can greatly decrease the risk of head trauma. Other injuries on bicycles will not be affected by helmet use. The helmet is there to protect the head.

Do you need a crash helmet for a quad bike?

In most states you need to wear a helmet for quad bikes. Even if it is not a law, when the conditions exist for brain injury, wearing a helmet is always a good idea.

Why do you have to wear a helmet?

Helmets are worn to protect your head from concussion or fatal injuries that have a relation to heads. If you wear a helmet while riding a bike, there is a chance you might fall but the helmet saving you. It is law that you were a helmet when riding a bike or motorcycle, ATV, etc.. If you are caught by the law not wearing a helmet while riding said vehicles, you may be fined around $20 - $200.

Why doesn't Miley Cyrus get a ticket for riding her bike without a helmet. In California it is ILLEGAL for anyone under the age of 18 NOT wearing a helmet?

Possibly because she's famous?