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Kristyan Sosa gonzal...

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Kristyan Sosa gonzal...

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Kristyan Sosa gonzal...

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Kristyan Sosa gonzal...

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Q: People who buy goods and services are called?
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What is it called when you have money to buy goods or services?

If you have money to buy goods and services you are said to be 'solvent'. When you have no money to by goods and services you are said to be 'insolvent'.

How do you place a value on money?

By the amount of goods or services you can buy for it. By the amount of goods or services you can buy for it. By the amount of goods or services you can buy for it. By the amount of goods or services you can buy for it.

Why do people demand money?

to buy goods and services

How do people buy goods in a depression?

trading goods, services, and precious metals

What is the consumer's ability and desire to buy goods and services called?


When a person rwfuses to buy goods or use services what is the act called?


How does price allocate goods and services?

Price allocates goods and service by making sure that goods and/or services get to people that can afford and want them. High dollar items are sold where people actually would buy them.

What is the term for the amount of goods and services people can buy with the money they have?

standard of living

When a person refuses to buy goods or use services what is the act called?

Boycott or boycotting.

Difference between marketing services versus tangible goods in global market?

you buy goods and services you buy from a marketer ?

What is word for the meaning of the activity of giving particular name and image to goods and services so that people will be attracted to buy them?

I think it may be called brand naming.

What goods and services do governments need to buy?

Government need to buy food for people in shelter and things they really need