

Persian and Greek similarities

Updated: 11/2/2022
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7y ago

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Both had well thought out strategies and military tactics, and large effective armies and fleets.

Both relied on amalgamating separate forces. Both had large Greek components to their armies and navies, the Macedonians who were Greek, led a unified Greek army and the Persians paid Greek mercenaries.

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It depends on what you define as "the Persian religion" and what you define as "the Greek religion".Persian Religion: Islam | Greek Religion: Ancient Greek MythologyThere are no similarities between Persian main religion (Islam religion) and the old Greek religion.Persian Religion: Islam | Greek Religion: Greek Orthodox ChristianityHowever, the current main Greek religion is Christianity. Refer to question below for the similarities between Islam and Christianity.The main similarities are:Both are widely believed religions.Both believe in God's angels.Both believe in the last Day of Judgment.Both believe in Paradise/Heaven and Hell.Both believe that no one enters Paradise/Heaven by own deeds/merit but rather by God Mercy and forgiveness.Both believe in eternal life after earthly death.Both forbid adultery, robbery, unjustified killing, cheating and lying.Both religions are similar in practicing mutual respect to their believers. Quran says (meaning English translation): ".... You will find the nearest in love to Muslims those who say 'we are Christians'. That is because amongst them are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world and they are not arrogant. And when they listen to the Quran revelation received by the Messenger (Muhammad), you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of the truth they have recognized. ... So because of what they said, Allah (God) rewarded them ...." [Quran, chapter 5, verses 82-86]Persian Religion: Zoroastrianism | Greek Religion: Ancient Greek MythologyZoroastrianism and Greek Mythology have very few similarities, like multiple gods and demigods and a belief in prophecy.Persian Religion: Zoroastrianism | Greek Religion: Greek Orthodox ChristianityZoroastrianism and Greek Orthodoxy have very few similarities, like worship of a single powerful god (even though Zoroastrians accept the existence of other gods - monolatry), the use of icons in veneration of holy men, the concept of prophets, the concept of an apocalypse, religious-nationalism, and ideas concerning heaven and hell as well as a powerful demon who rules hell.

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