

Person who inspire you?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Person who inspire you?
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What are some example sentences for inspire?

It would inspire me to be a better person when I listened to him speak.Seeing beautiful flowers would inspire me to plant my own.

Is inspire a proper noun?

No, the word 'inspire' is a verb, a word for something that a person or a thing does.The noun forms of the verb to inspire are inspirer, inspiration, and the gerund, inspiring.

How does Oprah Winfrey inspire people.?

she gives people advice and is a wonderful person

What are celebraties for?

To inspire kids who want to make their dreams into becoming a greater person in life

Who Inspire Taylor Lautner?

his family and also his karate instructer he was in show bizz and he recommended it to him

Can one be a professional muse and sell ideas?

Yes, but not to the same person whom you inspire as a muse.

Who inspired George Bush?

There are people that are crazy enough to inspire this cruel person,but I don't know who

What is the adverb of inspire?


Who inspired George W. Bush?

There are people that are crazy enough to inspire this cruel person,but I don't know who

What is the Hebrew word for inspire?

to inspire = heelheev (?????)

Did kelly Holmes inspire people?

Kelly Holmes inspire people because she believes that there is a chance of winning a golden medal and she is also a type of person who would take an opertunity to do what she is best at doing to have a successful life.

What is an example sentence with the word inspire?

John Snow has been dead, but he inspires me. You inspire me to do good deeds like he did.