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First of all pain and stiffness in the joint. if it is not brought under control it may lead to permanent cartilage ligament bone and muscle damage. It may eventualy lead to the deformation of the joint.

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14y ago

Pain, stiffness of the joint and damage to cartilage etc.

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Q: Person with inflammation of a joint experiences?
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Joint inflammation is a sign of a good workout?

No, a good work out should never cause inflammation of a joint. A hard workout may irritate an already inflammed joint. A good workout takes in consideration the bodies needs and works around it. Improper use of a joint in exercise can cause inflammation of a joint. In general strengthening the muscles around a joint can help reduce or prevent inflammation in your joints.

Is it true that Joint inflammation is a sign of a good workout?

No, a good work out should never cause inflammation of a joint. A hard workout may irritate an already inflammed joint. A good workout takes in consideration the bodies needs and works around it. Improper use of a joint in exercise can cause inflammation of a joint. In general strengthening the muscles around a joint can help reduce or prevent inflammation in your joints.

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You would say the joint was "swollen".

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A swollen joint is commonly referred to as arthritis, which is the inflammation of one or more joints causing pain and stiffness.

What is inflammation surrounding a joint?

Inflammation is the work of the immune system one form of joint inflamation that is also a chronic immune disorder is known as Rheumatoid arthritis.

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A swollen joint is referred to as arthritic, with arthros- referring to the joints, and -itic referring to the inflammation of the joint.

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