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No, physical changes normally refer to changes other than chemical reactions. If you have a loaf of bread and cut it in half, that is a physical change but not a chemical change. If you eat the bread and digest it, that is a chemical change.

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14y ago

Physical reactions involve having something to do with the ingredients insides or outsides

Chemical reactions involve having to do with changing the ingredients form or what it is made of.

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6y ago

A physical change occur when the molecular structure of chemicals are not changed.
A chemical change occur when the molecular structure of chemicals is changed.
Grinding is physical, neutralization of an acid is chemical.

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Q: Are physical changes chemical reactions
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All physical changes are reversible.

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All physical and chemical reactions , see text book from A to z .

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These are chemical reactions (changes).

Is the reaction reversible?

chemical reactions are irreversible but physical changes are reversible

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Reactions that are not chemical reactions are physical reactions. These reactions involve a change in only the physical state of an element, not its chemical properties. Thus, physical changes include freezing, condensation, sublimation, hammering a metal into a sheet, cutting sodium metal, etc.

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A lot of chemical reactions are initiated by physical changes - specifically, heating something.

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All chemical reactions are chemical changes.

What happens with the sulfuric acid and is it a chemical change or physical change?

The chemical reactions of sulfuric acid are chemical changes.

Is electricity seperateing water into h2 and o2 a physical or chemical change?

This is a chemical change. Chemical reactions are chemical changes.