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Q: Pictures of atmosphere hydrosphere lithosphere biosphere?
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Do have any pictures of the atmosphere?

go to google images .... its that easy :) your welcome

What do satellites do during hurricanes?

Take pictures of the hurricane. Satellites are outside the atmosphere. Hurricanes only affect things in the atmosphere.

Why is the Hubble Telescope able to take clear pictures?

There is little atmosphere to hinder Hubble's view.

What is the main reason the Hubble Telescope is able to take such clear pictures?

There is little atmosphere to hinder Hubble's view

Why Hubble Telescope take pictures better than telescopes in observation?

Since the Hubble Telescope is in space, it avoids interference from the atmosphere.

How satellite pictures of earth are made and transmitted?

Satellite pictures of Earth are taken by a camera mounted on a satellite in orbit, high above Earth's atmosphere. They are transmitted wirelessly over satellite signals, much like satellite TV.

Why do telescopes positioned on earth take low quality pictures?

Because the atmosphere is always clouded, and most of the time it is hard to see through them into space.

Name two uses of satellite?

1) To get pictures of space that you can't get on earth because of the clouds and atmosphere.2) To give a detailed description of the weather.

Is there pictures of the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is merely a process of trapping carbon inside the earths atmosphere causing the earth to heat up. You can't take a picture of air can you?

Are there photos of the surface of Venus?

Yes, but they're not pictures using visible light, since visible light cannot penetrate venus's surface due to it's thick atmosphere.

How meteroligist know when a hurricanes coming?

The weather people know when a hurricane is coming because they have weather instruments. Or maybe the satellites in the atmosphere take pictures of energy and broadcast it to the weather station.

What probe was sent to Jupiter?

The Cassini-Huygens probe. cassini mapped and analyzed the atmosphere of Jupiter while the huygens probe was dropped deep into the atmosphere to record and take pictures of the atmospheric conditons. The two were named after famous astronomers and scientests; their last names obviously being cassini and huygens