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Norman Bowen.

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Q: Pioneering investigations into crystallization of magma were carried out by who?
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Related questions

The process of minerals formation from magma is called?

Crystallization is when minerals form from magma. Crystallization takes time.

Which two transitions can magma undergro?

crystallization above ground and crystallization below ground

What is formed from the crystallization of magma?

igneous rock

Minerals that are formed by magma are formed by what?


What are minerals that form from magma are formed by?


What type of rock is formed when magma undergoes crystallization above ground?

Extrusive igneous rock is formed from the crystallization of magma (lava) above ground.

How is zircon formed?

Zircon forms from the crystallization of magma.

How are crystallization and cooling magma related?

Crystallization and cooling magma are related in the sense that cooling and crystallization occurs simultaneously. As the magma cools it crystallizes, the faster the rate of cooling the quicker crystals would develop and the slower the cooling the larger the crystals in other cases when the magma cool so rapidly crystal development may not be so prominent.

How Metal-rich veins are formed at the end or what?

magma crystallization

What happens when magma hardens into igneous rock?

crystallization and sollidification

How does fractional crystallization lead to magmatic differentiation?

Fractional crystallization occurs when minerals crystallize and separate from the magma as it cools, leading to a change in the composition of the remaining magma. This process results in the formation of different rock types from the original magma, leading to magmatic differentiation by creating a variety of rock compositions within the same magma body.

What are rocks form by crystallization and consolidation of molten magma?
