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Q: Plannings begins when managers determine the firms goals?
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Why it is important for the managers to understand macroeconomics?

Business managers need to know about macroeconomics because firms operate in and are influenced by the behavior of the overall economy. Factors such as interest rates, employment, inflation, money supply, etc., affect the business environment and financial conditions in general, so firms must address macroeconomic issues in their planning and management strategy. Macroeconomic forecasts and strategies are more important for large firms than for small businesses.

What is the reason Liquidity of a firm is the essential areas to be considered by the firms finance managers?

Finance managers are worried about only one thing (fundamentally) and that is the bottom line. Did the firm make more than it spent? Liquid assets (cash and account) determine what a firm is capable of doing. Having an expensive building (a frozen asset) as an example, is nice for the image of the firm, may make the employees happy, but if something goes wrong, its the liquid assets that the firm is going to rely on to bail itself out.

How can firms use marginal analysis to determine the price of a product?

They can use this information to determine how much the consumer will buy the product for. The price must be enough to make a profit or producing the item is not worth it.

Relevance of Income elasticity of demand?

-determine the nature of the commodity -it can be applied in the intersection of marked demand and supply of commodities -help firms to respond to changing economic situations.

Are profitable firms necessarily efficient firms?


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Why do managers split their firms stock?

To raise money.

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How can managers protect the proprietary technology of their firms?

Managers can protect the proprietary technology of their firms by being vigilant. Make sure everything is locked up tight, make sure the employees are trustworthy, and make sure computers are secure and virus free.

What are the duties and respocsabilities of a marketing manager?

Marketing managers develop the firm's marketing strategy in detail. With the help of subordinates, including product development managers and market research managers, they estimate the demand for products and services offered by the firm and its competitors. In addition, they identify potential markets-for example, business firms, wholesalers, retailers, government, or the general public. Marketing managers develop pricing strategy to help firms maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the firm's customers are satisfied. In collaboration with sales, product development, and other managers, they monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services, and they oversee product development. Marketing managers work with advertising and promotion managers to promote the firm's products and services and to attract potential usersMarketing managers develop the firm's marketing strategy in detail. With the help of subordinates, including product development managers and market research managers, they estimate the demand for products and services offered by the firm and its competitors. In addition, they identify potential markets-for example, business firms, wholesalers, retailers, government, or the general public. Marketing managers develop pricing strategy to help firms maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the firm's customers are satisfied. In collaboration with sales, product development, and other managers, they monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services, and they oversee product development. Marketing managers work with advertising and promotion managers to promote the firm's products and services and to attract potential users Marketing managers develop the firm's marketing strategy in detail. With the help of subordinates, including product development managersand market research managers, they estimate the demand for products and services offered by the firm and its competitors. In addition, they identify potential markets-for example, business firms, wholesalers, retailers, government, or the general public. Marketing managers develop pricing strategy to help firms maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the firm's customers are satisfied. In collaboration with sales, product development, and other managers, they monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services, and they oversee product development. Marketing managers work with advertising and promotion managers to promote the firm's products and services and to attract potential users

Why it is important for the managers to understand macroeconomics?

Business managers need to know about macroeconomics because firms operate in and are influenced by the behavior of the overall economy. Factors such as interest rates, employment, inflation, money supply, etc., affect the business environment and financial conditions in general, so firms must address macroeconomic issues in their planning and management strategy. Macroeconomic forecasts and strategies are more important for large firms than for small businesses.

What property management firms are available in Jacksonville?

Some property management firms available in Jacksonville, Florida include Watson Realty Company, Signature Realty and Management, Collins Property Managers, and Jackson Property Management Pros.

Should marketing managers or business managers in general refrain from producing profitable products that some target customers want but that may not be in their long-run interest Should firms be expe?

Should marketing managgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggers or business managers in general, refrain from producing profitable products that some target customers want but that may not be in their long-run interest? Should firms be expected to produce 'good' but less profitable products? What criteria are you using for each of your answers?

What are potential career paths for staff accountants?

Successful staff accountants become seniors; seniors become managers; a limited number of managers become partners. In many public accounting firms, there are additional levels for all of these categories.

What role does the cost of capital play in the financial decision making of the firms top managers?

What role does the cost of capital play in the financial decision making

Is there usually a lot of management oversight at engineering firms?

There is not usually a whole lot. There may be several men assigned to just one or two managers.