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Q: Plural for some in spanish feminine?
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What is the Spanish 'escuela' in English?

"Schools" is an English equivalent of "escuelas."Specifically, the Spanish word is a feminine noun used in the plural. The feminine plural definite article is "las" ("the"). The feminine indefinite plural article is "unas" ("some").The pronunciation is "eh-SKWEH-las."

What are the spanish indefinite articles?

masculine = un (a/an, singular), unos (some, plural) feminine = una (a/an, singular), unas (some, plural)

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Canzoni -- which means "songs" -- is an Italian equivalent of the Spanish feminine plural noun canciones. The pronunciation of the Italian feminine plural noun -- which may be preceded by the feminine plural definite (le, "the") or indefinite (delle, "some") articles -- will be "kan-TSO-nee."

How do you say Argentinean in Spanish?

Argentino (masculine), Argentina (feminine), Argentinos (plural masculine), Argentinas (plural feminine).

Is leccion masculine or feminine?

lección is a feminine word in Spanish, therefore its plural is las lecciones

What is Spanish word for that?

Masculine Singular: Ese Feminine Singular: Esa Masculine Plural: Esos Feminine Plural: Esas

What are the definite articles in spanish?

The definite articles in Spanish are "el" and "la" for singular masculine and feminine nouns, and "los" and "las" for plural masculine and feminine nouns, respectively.

How do you spell in spanish instructions?

you spell it instrucciones feminine plural

What is lilacs' in Spanish?

"Lilas" is a Spanish equivalent of "lilacs" (Syringa spp).The Spanish word is a feminine noun. Its plural definite article is "las" ("the"). Its plural indefinite article is "unas" ("some").It's pronounced "lee-lahs."

What are indefinite articles in Spanish?

Indefinite articles in Spanish are "un" (masculine singular), "una" (feminine singular), "unos" (masculine plural), and "unas" (feminine plural). They are used to refer to non-specific nouns or to introduce new, unspecified items in a sentence.

What does indefinite article mean in Spanish?

An indefinite article in English is "a". The Spanish equivalents are: un (masculine singular), una (feminine singular), unos (masculine plural), and "unas" (feminine plural.)

Is the Spanish word flores masculine?

No, it is the plural of la flor. It would be las flores.