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The Illiad

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Q: Poem written by Homer about expedition against Troy?
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The Odyssey is an example of what?

An epic poem. It was written by Homer. Homer also wrote the Illiad another epic poem.

What is a poem by Homer?

The Odyssey and The Iliad (they were both originally written as epic poems.)

What the odyssey relates the adventures of which Greek hero?

The Odyssey was the second poem written by Homer that centers on the Greek hero Odysseus. The first poem written by Homer that tells of Odysseus is The Iliad, which is considered to be the oldest work in Western literature.

Hamlet is to what as odyssey is to homer?

Hamlet is a play written by William Shakespeare, while The Odyssey is an epic poem attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer.

Is The Odyssey a true story or a myth?

The Odyssey is a poem written by Homer and is not based on actual events

What was thought Thought to be the civilization to defeat Troy in Homer's epic poem the Iliad?

The civilization believed to have defeated Troy in Homer's epic poem the Iliad is the Achaean or Greek civilization led by King Agamemnon. They waged the Trojan War against Troy.

What was the name of Homer's famous poem?

Wonderful world (Capital d) (not part of the name)

What is the first written record of Greece called, and who was the author?

the Greek poet homer wrote the first poem Iliad.

Who wrote the poem The Odyssey?


What is a good long poem?

It's all gone by Vanessa Maria Torres.But the world's longest poem is written by an ancient Greek person called Homer. He wrote the Illiad and the Odessy

Who wrote Ithaca poem?

Actually Homer wrote the Odyssey. The poem inspired by this epic was written by Constantine P. Cavafy, probably the most well known modern greek poet today. Ithaca is his most famous poem.

Homer's epic poem about Trojan war?

The Iliad