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si tiene el cabello largo,recogelo hacia atras.No uses aretes largos ni cadenas que puedan enganchasrse en el material o equipo de trabajo. por que es importante? porque le puede pasar algo de lo que se ba a arepentir por ejemplo lo del cabello largo o quiza quemarse con algo ...solo siga las reglas

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Q: Por que es importante seguir las reglas del laboratorio?
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Cuales son los diferentes tipos tubos de ensayos y por que son importantes?

tipos de tubo de ensayo

O que OS protistas comen?

Este es un foro Inglés cuestión, y no el idioma español, por favor vaya lejos.

Why does sound of an approaching train is heard latter in air than the sound through rails?

O som gerado por uma locomotiva propaga-se tanto pelo ar quanto pelos trilhos. Como os trilhos estão no estado sólido, as ondas sonoras possuem maior velocidade e podem ser percebidas antes das ondas que se propagam pelo ar.

What makes aluminum rust?

El oxígeno (como por ejemplo mas significativo ocurre con el hierro). Pero se oxida tan rápido que crea una leve capa que impide que continúe oxidándose (pasivación).Industrialmente se aplica este mismo proceso para crear el anodizado en el aluminio. De esta forma es óxido de aluminio. Más resistente a la temperatura y a la abrasión.También en industria se procesa la bauxita para producir alúmina (óxido de aluminio Al2O3) necesaria para producir el aluminio.

How do you get joules?

It really depends on the type of energy. If you pull or push, you get the work (the energy transferred) by multiplying the force (in newtons) by the distance (in meters). (If the force is not in the same distance as the movement, the dot product must be used - equivalent to including the cosine of the angle as a factor. If the force is not constant, integration must be used.)For potential energy, this results in a formula of PE = weight x height, which is equal to mgh (mass x gravity x height).Por kinetic energy, the formula is KE = (1/2)mv2.For other types of energy, other measurements and calculations are required.It really depends on the type of energy. If you pull or push, you get the work (the energy transferred) by multiplying the force (in newtons) by the distance (in meters). (If the force is not in the same distance as the movement, the dot product must be used - equivalent to including the cosine of the angle as a factor. If the force is not constant, integration must be used.)For potential energy, this results in a formula of PE = weight x height, which is equal to mgh (mass x gravity x height).Por kinetic energy, the formula is KE = (1/2)mv2.For other types of energy, other measurements and calculations are required.It really depends on the type of energy. If you pull or push, you get the work (the energy transferred) by multiplying the force (in newtons) by the distance (in meters). (If the force is not in the same distance as the movement, the dot product must be used - equivalent to including the cosine of the angle as a factor. If the force is not constant, integration must be used.)For potential energy, this results in a formula of PE = weight x height, which is equal to mgh (mass x gravity x height).Por kinetic energy, the formula is KE = (1/2)mv2.For other types of energy, other measurements and calculations are required.It really depends on the type of energy. If you pull or push, you get the work (the energy transferred) by multiplying the force (in newtons) by the distance (in meters). (If the force is not in the same distance as the movement, the dot product must be used - equivalent to including the cosine of the angle as a factor. If the force is not constant, integration must be used.)For potential energy, this results in a formula of PE = weight x height, which is equal to mgh (mass x gravity x height).Por kinetic energy, the formula is KE = (1/2)mv2.For other types of energy, other measurements and calculations are required.

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