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We should see it because it is very interesting and action movie in which characters make some type of laughing scenes between very serious situations which seem to be very interesting & laughing.

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What movie did Rosario Dawson see at her father's recommendation?

Reservoir Dogs

Should you go see Thor the movie?

Yes. It is a good movie. Not to mention that Natalie Portman is in the movie :)

Which movie should you see Flight or Wreck it-Ralph?

Wreck it- Ralph

What movie should you watch in theaters?

Choose the first one you see.

How old should you be to see The Godfarther?

To see the movie "The Godfarther", "The Godfarther part II" and/or "The Godfarther part III", you should be at least 18.

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What movie did Rosario Dawson see at her father's recommendation?

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Yes. It is a good movie. Not to mention that Natalie Portman is in the movie :)

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Yes it was a good movie! Everybody should see it.

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Yes. You can still see the movie in theaters.....I think. Maybe you should go to the movie theater website and then you can see if that movie is still available. But I believe it still is. If I am wrong........I'm sorry!

Is see a main verb?

Yes, see is a main verb. Examples: I see the car. I can see the car. (can is the auxiliary verb) You should see this movie. (should is the auxiliary verb)

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