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Are you on Elavil or its generic? The spots can be a side effect of it.

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Q: Red bruise like mark on thighs non raised and non itchy?
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What are itchy red raised bumps on the inner thighs that seem to get worse in summer?

A diagnosis cannot be made from a description. See a doctor. It sounds like it may be heat bumps or sweat bumps. I believe it may also have to do with thighs rubbing together that makes bumps. I was told it could be HPV

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Bruise like i have a bruise on my shoulder

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The forming of blood cells in bone marrow.

Why do guys like thighs?

cause they do. For example that is like saying, what did one farmer say to the other farmer... Answer....-We're farmers. chicken thighs??,, there are several types of thighs......

What is the best type of exercise machine for the home?

A raised treadmill. Bowflex has one, you can walk, run, and when raised, it's like you are hiking. A machine that can achieve multiple tasks can make you work different parts of the body, in this case different parts of your thighs and legs.

What are eraser size red non-raised non-itchy spots with a pale border ring around the red?

That sounds like ring worm to me. I am no professional. MRSA, Maybe?

What does turkey mite bite look like?

A turkey mite is another name for a young tick. The bites they leave on people are extremely itchy and look like large clusters of red, raised up dots.

How can you tell if marks on someone's upper thighs are track marks or from scratching itchy skin?

Home drug test. In addition to a drug test, there are some ways you may be able to tell visually. Are the marks near major veins? Are they in a line that seems to follow the path of the vein underneath the skin? If someone is just scratching itchy skin, the lines would probably just be red, and maybe a bit raised, as if someone's dragged their fingernails across that patch of skin. Track marks on the other hand would look like little pin pricks.

Does a lump feel like a bruise?


Do guys prefer thin thighs or big thighs on girls?

def thin sz people who have big ighs like me but if you have in thighs an big but DOUBLE YR

What kind of rash has raised bumps looks like possibly water filled?

probably hives - allergic reaction to something - very itchy - treat with calamine or such or chicken pox - see your GP