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Q: Research study about living in a boarding house?
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What are the typical rooms in a house?

Living roomDining roomBedroomsBathroomsOffice/Study/DenKitchenHope that helps.

Sample of feasibility study of a boarding house?

A feasibility study is what is done to figure out if it would be a good idea to do something. To do a study for a boardinghouse, a person would need to figure out all costs involved, plus how much someone would be willing to pay to see if it is a feasible thing to do.

Do boarding houses affects the academic performance of a college student?

Boarding houses can affect the academic performance of college students based on factors such as noise levels, cleanliness, access to resources like study spaces, and social environment. A well-maintained and conducive boarding house can provide a supportive living environment that enhances academic focus, while a disruptive or uncomfortable living situation may negatively impact a student's ability to study and perform well academically.

What the disadvantages of boarding school?

in boarding school mainly we get tortured by others . bullying and nagging are the 2 common things in my school. and getting homesick is something which i don't think is a reason in my school for kids are too common but for the younger ones they are. I study in a school know as Kasiga school in India . it is a good place but living here is also good but the people living around make it bad.

What are the disadvantages of a boarding school?

in boarding school mainly we get tortured by others . bullying and nagging are the 2 common things in my school. and getting homesick is something which i don't think is a reason in my school for kids are too common but for the younger ones they are. I study in a school know as Kasiga school in India . it is a good place but living here is also good but the people living around make it bad.

What is the name for a living room in a traditional Japanese house?

Living room in Japanese is commonly expressed as an i-ma or living space. Large traditional houses sometimes only have one living room and can function as a dining room, study room, or even a bed room. This is important to know because Japanese furniture is portable and when not used can be stored in an oshiire, a small part of the house that is used for storage.

Where can I inquire anything about boarding schools for me to get started?

Refer to your country's local Ministry of Education to inquire about boarding schools and their availability. In general, boarding schools are schools that students live and study within. Boarding schools are seen by many as advantageous due to the lifestyle of discipline that it promotes.

It is the study of living things?

biology is the study of living things

How do I begin to learn about boarding schools?

A boarding school is a school where some or all pupils study and live during the school year with their fellow students and possibly teachers and/or administrators. The word 'boarding' is used in the sense of "bed and board

The study of living?


What are the Examples of a background of the study?

Examples of backgrounds of the study can include providing an overview of the research topic, discussing the importance of the study, outlining previous research in the field, and identifying the research gap that the study aims to address.

How is a clinical research study designed?

Clinical research study is designed by studies and trials in medical and other departments to determine the study and the extensiveness of the study that is conducted.