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Q: Response is to stimuli as reaction is to?
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What is response stimuli?

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Which reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with several different stimuli?

Choice reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with several different stimuli. This type of reaction time is common in situations where a person must make a decision based on multiple stimuli or cues.

What is an organism's reaction to a stimulus?

An organism's reaction to a stimulus is called a response. This can be a behavior, movement, or change in physiological activity in response to the stimulus. It allows the organism to adapt and interact with its environment.

What type of reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with several different stimuli?

Choice reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with different stimuli. This type of reaction time assesses cognitive processing, decision-making, and response selection.

Compare and contrast stimulus and response?

A stimulus is any event or input that evokes a response, while a response is the reaction or behavior triggered by the stimulus. Stimuli can be internal or external, while responses are the observable reactions to stimuli. In summary, stimuli initiate responses, and responses are the reactions to stimuli.

What reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with several different stimuli?

Choice reaction time.

How would someone describe unconscious defenses?

reaction to stimuli. If someone throws something at you, you duck, natural response.

What is responding stimuli?

Response to stimuli refers to a response to outside stimuli such as a noise or a smell. It is a term that refers to an organisms ability to respond to the outside environment.

How do animal response to stimuli?

It respond to stimuli, by its own life.

What is the difference between a positive and negative response in biology?

In biology, a positive response refers to an increase in a physiological activity or signal, such as cell division or hormone secretion, in response to a stimulus. A negative response, on the other hand, involves a decrease in a physiological activity or signal in response to a stimulus.

What is the opposite of stimuli?


What is somatic reaction?

A somatic reaction is a physical response that occurs in the body as a result of psychological or emotional stimuli. It can manifest as symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, or muscle tension in response to stress or anxiety. Somatic reactions are linked to the body's fight or flight response to perceived threats.