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The WHIP system

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Q: Responsibility for communication among party members in Congress lies with who?
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Who is Responsible for communication among party members in congress?

The whip is responsible for communication among party members in congress. This is a person within the whip system that is an official within their party that has the task of ensuring party discipline within legislature.

Congress has few among its members?

Congress has few women among its members. Until the 1960's Congress was predominately males. More and more women are running for office, now though.

What are the cares and responsibility that should be shared among members of a family?

love,care,sense of responsibility

The most common occupation among members of Congress before coming to Congress is?


What occupation is NOT a common occupation among members of Congress?


What are Cares and responsibilities that should be shared among members of a family?

love,care,sense of responsibility

Department of Transportation and Communication of the Philippines?

The Department of Transportation and Communication of the Philippines is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring the communication and transport systems are in operation. Some of the duties include maintenance, expansion and installation of such systems among others.

According to C. Wright Mills, who would be considered among the power elite in the United States?

Members of Congress :)

What flat structure in diagram form?

A flat structure in diagram form typically represents an organization where all individuals have equal authority and responsibility, with no levels of hierarchy. It is often depicted as a simple shape (like a circle or square) with lines connecting all members to show direct communication and collaboration among all members. This structure is characterized by open communication, quick decision-making, and a focus on teamwork.

How many represents are there?

The House of Representatives has 435 members as of 2009.

Who is the slowest animal in land and sea?

It would be a toss-up among sea squirts, oysters, barnacles, sponges and members of congress.

What are the characteristics of a strong family?

hindi ko alam................