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Q: Reversing characters in a string in visual basic?
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Trunicate is when you trim a string in visual basic

What function are used for string length in visual basic?

string length is a function use to check the lenght of a string i.e number of alphabets in a word or sentence.

What is the correct coding for converting a string to a double in visual basic 2010?

Dim i as double = CDbl("12")

In Visual Basic how do you place a tab into a string with the and sign?

In visual Basic, the tab character has several representations:ChrW(9)vbTabControlChars.TabConvert.ToChar(Keys.Tab)Of these, the last is supported by all .NET languages (including C# where '\t' can also be used).To insert a tab into a Visual Basic string:Dim text As String = "abc"text.Insert (1, vbTab)To insert an ampersand, use the character literal '&':text.Insert (2, '&');

What is visual basic control?

Visual Basic Controls work on Visual Studio for Visual Basic and Applications that made by Visual Basic.

The year of invention of visual basic?

Visual Basic was started in 1991.

Who developed visual basic?

Microsoft is the developer of visual basic

Who invented the visual basic?

Visual Basic was created by a team at Microsoft.

What is the difference between visual basic and visual c?

The programming language: Visual Basic is a BASIC-like (or BASIC-derived) language, Visual C is... well C.

Is Visual Basic 6.0 compatible with Visual Basic 2005?


Who is the developer of Visual Basic?

Microsoft is the developer of Visual Basic.

When visual basic started?

Visual Basic was started in 1991.