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The role of society towards child education depends on the society. In usa society, the government plays a vital role in providing basic and compulsory education for all children free for at least 13 years old. Society is supposed to invest in the education of our children to stimulate a successful economy and society in the future, instead of taxing unborn generations and reducing their potential for freedom of choice when they become adult citizens.

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The role of female education plays a big role in the us. They make us Sandwiches at collinary school, and do our laundry in the Laundromat.

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Q: Role of society in child education?
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What is the role of society towards child education?

Society has a specific role to play with regards to educating children. Specifically, society should encourage children to stay in school and to value an education above all else.

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Slogan for girl child education: Educate Girls . Educate Society.

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Education plays quite an important role in molding a child. The things that a child learns create his or her perspective in life and also shapes their behavior.


early childhood education is necessary for the children as these are the stepping stones for their future and the more quality we provide in their early childhood the better and more shining their future would be.

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Education today has brought many changes in the society.

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What is the role of society in education?

It could be said that the role of education in society is to raise the level of awareness of as many people capable and willing to learn so that we as a society can better understand the nature of things, perhaps even come to understand the nature of nature. It could be said and in fact, just has been said but exactly what has been said? How do we as a society educate and how do we as a society take advantage of societies education? How do we best raise our level of awareness? Is such an endeavor best facilitated by societal efforts or by individual efforts? Does society learn in the same way any given individual might learn? Society and Education are both systems and systems have their place but they do not play their part. The system is the whole as you and I are just part of society and our teachers were just part of the education we received. The role of the professor is to educate the role of the student is to learn the role of the administrator is to facilitate a place for this to happen, these parts taken as a whole is what we call education. The role a teacher or professor plays in society is to better facilitate education. Education itself has no role it is but the system employed by those playing their roles and doing their part

What is the philosophical bases of physical education?

Pragmatists believe that the curriculum should be focused on the child and not on facts, they remind us about the role of education in society, and about the realization of the deep roots of division of our bodily and mental functions.

Can the education system play an important role for a better society?

First of all s a nice topic to discuss. And yes i will say education system play an important role for a better society. Its very clear,why? Education makes the pillar of all society. A better education system always contribute a better citizen. Education gives us proper moral value. Which will help to build our nature. So i think it is very important for a country to make its education strong.

What are advantages of informal education?

°Informal education prepares children for their survival in the society because t responds to the immediate needs of the child.

Should I donate to charity?

Education is not a privilege it is a right and a child should be denied it. Every child must receive proper education, that will help them in growing. If every child is educated, the society and country will progress, they will have proper jobs and could earn and educated their coming generations. Education is something that leads to the development of the whole nation, other than the individual, its family, community, and society.

Why should I donate to charity?

Education is not a privilege it is a right and a child should be denied it. Every child must receive proper education, that will help them in growing. If every child is educated, the society and country will progress, they will have proper jobs and could earn and educated their coming generations. Education is something that leads to the development of the whole nation, other than the individual, its family, community, and society.