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This statement suggests a critical viewpoint towards America, expressing the belief that the country's existence was a significant error. It implies dissatisfaction or disagreement with America's history, policies, or societal values. It may reflect a perspective that challenges the traditional narrative about the United States.

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Q: Said America is a mistake a giant mistake?
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What do you do when you make a mistake?

put it right and let it be known that you have done so.

Why physical and human resources does Paine say America has?

Paine argues that America has vast physical resources in terms of land, climate, and natural wealth, which can support agriculture and industry. He also highlights the diverse human resources in America, composed of people from various backgrounds and skills, who can contribute to the development of the country.

Why is it a mistake to believe that the right brain is usually neglected?

This is not a mistake - it is an opinion. There is a difference. Scientists will continually change their results depending upon new knowledge they receive. No one can really know the answer to how the brain works. It is all scientific theory.

According to the text when you make a mistake regard it as a guidepost indicating what you still ought to learn?


Foolish people are said to be dull and smart people are said to be?


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Who said America is a mistake a giant mistake?

Sigmund [sickmind] Freud

Who said world war 1 fought by mistake?

It is said by those types of person who r always on mistake.....

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Because it is a giant magnet.

Is the panda native to North America?

The giant panda is native to China. There are no giant pandas native to North America.

Where Giant armadillo live?

Giant armadillos live in South America.

What country does a giant armadillo live?

Giant armadillos are found in South America, east of the Andes, from northwestern Venezuela to northeastern Argentina.

Where do giant tortoise live?

giant tortoises live in the gallapagose..... if that's hoe you spell it (:South america

Who said that America would not stand by like a pitiful helpless giant and watch the Viet Cong attack South Vietnam from Cambodia.?

Lydom B Johnson

On what continent does the giant armadillo live?

Giant armadillos are found in South America.

Where is a giant armadillo from?

South America

Why do mistake the weindigo with a giant when its a werewolf?

As with all eye witness accounts the details always get exaggerated.

Where is the mistake She said she will leave as she got a telegram?

She said she will leave as soon as she got a telegram.