

Salute in Spanish

Updated: 12/16/2022
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15y ago

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Usually I would use "saludos", which simply means "greetings". In a very formal context, you might also use "salutaciones".

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15y ago

(to) salute = saludar

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Which country was in the battle of spanish-American war?

The Spanish American War was fought in Spanish Colonial Cuba, Spanish Colonial Puerto Rico and Spanish Philippines. The US fired on Guam, did no damage and they thought it was a ship's salute. They were not aware that a War was in progress and the small number of Spanish soldiers in Guam surrendered.

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The Spanish American War was fought in Spanish Colonial Cuba, Spanish Colonial Puerto Rico and Spanish Philippines. The US fired on Guam, did no damage and they thought it was a ship's salute. They were not aware that a War was in progress and the small number of Spanish soldiers in Guam surrendered.

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Super! salute....survivor.... Salute

What does the salute means?

The FFA Salute is the Pledge of Allegiance.

What do anyone of you think is the meaning of the sentence Ave Caesar nos morituri te salutamus?

This is latin, not spanish. It means "Hail Caesar, we who are about to die salute you."

Is this how you spell salute?

Yes that is the correct spelling of salute.Some example sentences are:I salute you for knowing how to spell that word.The soldier forgets to salute his commanding officer.The Nazi salute is illegal in Germany and those caught doing it are jailed.Remember to salute the Queen as she passes.

When was A Salty Salute created?

A Salty Salute was created in 1995.

When was Salute to the Streetz created?

Salute to the Streetz was created in 2010.

When was Salute to Adventurers created?

Salute to Adventurers was created in 1915.

When was American Salute created?

American Salute was created in 1972.

Is the posthumous Medal of Honor saluted?

Who is there to salute? The medal does not rate a salute, the person who earned it rates the salute. In this case they are deceased.