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Organic sedimentary rock is comprised of the remains of once living organisms.

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Q: Sedimentary rock made up of the remains of living things?
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What kind of rock is made when rock minerals and remains of living things are made when these sediments are cemented together?

sedimentary rock

Why do rock fossils form in sedimentary rock and not igneous rock?

Sedimentary rock can be made from sediments cemented together, or formed in the shape of remains of living things. Igneous rock is made from cooled magma, inside or outside the crust.

Do sedimentary rocks form from the remains of living things?

Some sedimentary rocks are formed at least partially of the remains of living things, but many are not. Fossil-rich rocks, coal, and some types of limestone are composed partly of the remains of organisms. Clastic sedimentary rocks such as shale and sandstone are made from sediment that has weathered out of pre-existing rock.

How organic sedimentary rock made?

Organic sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of once living things. Coal is an example of a sedimentary rock.

What sedimentary rock that's organic was once made of living things?


What are the remains of once-living orgainismsfound in sedimentary rocks?

All fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. Some sedimentary rocks are made of nothing but fossils such as chalk. A creature ( microscopic or larger) skeleton is deposited after death usually on the ocean floor. Sediments cover it, and over time turns into a fossil.

Group of sedimentary rock made up of dissolved minerals or the remians of living things?

Chemical sedimentary rocks form from dissolved minerals in water, such as limestone made from calcium carbonate. On the other hand, organic sedimentary rocks, like coal or limestone made from the remains of dead organisms, are created from the accumulation and compaction of organic material over time.

What rock is made by the planets remains?

sedimentary rock

How are sedimentary rocks mader?

There are different ways sedimentary rocks are formed. Many sedimentary rocks are made from the broken pieces and particles of other rocks, [which is a reason why the name was given to these types of rocks (sediment)] and these bits get cemented together. These types of sedimentary rocks are called clastic sedimentary rocks. Chemical sedimentary rocks are another type that comprise of mineral crystals, like gypsum and halite. Lastly, organic sedimentary rocks are made of, well...... organic materials. They are made of the remains of once living organisms and contain the remains of living creatures such as clam shells, plankton skeletons, dinosaur bones, and plants.

What kind of rock is made of pieces of rock minerals and remains of living things?


Igneous rocks can be formed from lava from volcanoes The remains of living things are not found in rocks made from lavaWhy does lava destroy the remains of living things?

Lava is molten rock that can reach temperatures over 1,000°C, which is hot enough to completely incinerate any organic material, such as the remains of living things. When lava flows over an area, it burns and consumes everything in its path, leaving behind only solidified rock without any traces of organic matter.

A rock formed from living organisms?

Many rocks can contain fossil organisms. Generally speaking, sedimentary rocks are the rock type that contains the most fossil organisms. Coquina, a type of limestone, is formed nearly completely by the shells of marine organisms. And coal is a sedimentary rock composed of the remains of ancient swamp plants.