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See the discussion box for the options. The answer is A, D and E.

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Q: Select all that apply. A 0.200-kilogram ball sits on a shelf 2.00 meters from the floor and then falls to a point 1.00 meter from the floor. Ignoring any affects due to friction at this position .?
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Related questions

Is it true that weight affects the amount of friction between the object and a surface?

No, weight does not directly affect the amount of friction between an object and a surface. The factors that affect friction are the nature of the surfaces in contact and the force pushing them together. The normal force, which is perpendicular to the surface, is what influences the frictional force, not the weight of the object.

What is the helpful way friction affects a car?

By using kinetic friction

How does weight and mass affect friction?

Weight affects friction by increasing the force pressing the surfaces together, resulting in more friction. Mass does not directly affect friction, but it influences the normal force, which in turn affects friction. Generally, higher weight or mass leads to higher friction.

Does friction affects the weight of an object?

no, friction just changes the motion of an object.

Does weight affects friction?

Yes, weight does affect friction. With an increase in weight, there is usually an increase in the force pressing objects together, resulting in higher friction between the surfaces. This means that heavier objects may experience greater friction compared to lighter objects.

How the law of friction affects down hill skiing?

if there is friction on the hill it will slow you down

How does it affect motion of a falling object?

it affects motion by friction a friction pull it down or up

Does friction affects velocity ratio?

Friction can have an impact on velocity ratio by reducing the efficiency of a system. Friction can transfer energy into heat, causing a loss in velocity and making it more difficult to maintain a consistent velocity ratio. Reducing friction through lubrication or other means can help improve the velocity ratio.

How does friction affects the motion of and object?

Friction acts in the direction opposite to that of the net force acting on the object.

Does friction affect the period of a metronome?

Friction affects most every thing. In a mechanical metronome you would not need a power source if there were no friction.

How do friction affect a car when it stop?

it affects it by the contact with the car

Which describes how sliding friction affects pushing a cereal box a tabletop?

it is usually greater than static friction