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A Brief Plot Summary of the Novel 'Just Listen'

Annabel Greene had what could be considered the perfect teenage life: cool friends, close family, good grades, and a part-time modeling career; at the beginning of summer it all came crashing down. Shaken by an attempted rape from her best friend's boyfriend, she doesn't try to fix the burnt bridges created when everyone turns against her. She dreads facing the world because she thinks no one will believe her and everyone will hate her even more. Her solid family seems fragile, too. What happened to cause the stiff silences and palpable resentments between her two older sisters? Why is no one in her loving but determinedly cheerful family talking about her middle sister's eating disorder? Annabel's devastating secret is revealed in bits and snatches, as readers see her go to amazing lengths to avoid confrontation. Caught between wanting to protect her family and her own struggles to face a devastating experience, Annabel finds comfort in an unlikely friendship with the school's most notorious loner. Owen Armstrong has his own issues with anger, but has learned to control it and helps her realize the dangers of holding in her emotions. Through Owen's obsession with music he teaches Annabel how to listen, and helps her confront her own demons, as well as creating a strong, unbreakable bond between the them. They eventually fall for each other. But as they are at a club listening to a band, Annabel leaves thinking a bout all the bad things in life. When Owen meets her after the day at the club, he gets upset when Annabel doesnt tell him why she left without telling him anything. As they dont talk for months she meets him at the studio telling him everything from the rape, Whitney's Eating disorder, and all the family problems. When Emily Shuster, Sophie and Annabels old friend, almost gets raped by Will cash too, she tells the police and school. When Will gets called to court and they ask for people to testify if they also have been raped or have more information, Annabel doesnt want to go in front of all those people and say her story. But as Owen wants to help her he finally convinces her to go to court and finally tell everybody about that day when Will raped her too. After that tetimony Annabel quits modeling, her sisters are bonding again, and her life is better. Also Clarke and Rolly finally are together. Owen and Annabel also become a couple and live a happy life.

I hope it will help you to comprehend the story better.

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15y ago
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1mo ago

'Just Listen' by Sarah Dessen takes place in modern times, with no specific date mentioned in the novel. The story focuses on themes that are relevant and relatable to contemporary readers.

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13y ago

The setting of the book Just Listen takes place in the beginning of the school year. Annabel Greene get shunned by her friends and ends up alone until she meets Owen.

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12y ago

Present day lakeview North Carolina

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First Person.(:

What is the meaning of the title 'just listen' by Sarah Dessen?

Just Listen was on the CD that Owen gave annabelle. The CD was blank.

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Just Listen is by Sarah Dessen. It is a teenage romance story. It has 400 pages.

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Annabel is 17 years old in the novel "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen.

Literary devices in just listen by Sarah dessen?

"Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen features various literary devices such as symbolism (music as a way of communication and healing), imagery (descriptions of emotions and settings), and foreshadowing (hints of a dark secret from the protagonist's past). The novel also utilizes themes of self-discovery, forgiveness, and the power of honesty in relationships.

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In "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, the atmosphere is introspective and emotionally charged. The novel deals with difficult topics such as family dynamics, friendship, and overcoming trauma. There is a sense of vulnerability and authenticity in the characters' interactions, creating a raw and poignant atmosphere.

What is the setting of 'Just Listen' by Sarah Dessen?

"Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen is set in the present day in Lakeview, a fictional town in North Carolina. The story takes place mostly at Annabel Greene's high school, her family home, and various social events, providing a realistic backdrop for the themes of family relationships, friendship, and personal growth.

Who is the protagonist and the antagonist in just listen by Sarah Dessen?

In "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, the protagonist is Annabel Greene, a high school student dealing with family issues and a traumatic event. The antagonist could be seen as her former friend Sophie, who plays a negative role in Annabel's life by betraying her and causing conflict.

Where is a hyperbole used in the book just listen?

In the book "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, a hyperbole is used when the protagonist says "my heart stopped beating" to emphasize the intensity of her emotions in a particular moment.