

shadow love amy

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Ahmed Hany

Lvl 1
2y ago

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They are just friends, but love interest between them is still possible.

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Allie Barrows

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Q: Shadow love amy
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Is shadow and Amy in love?

Who would think that? Amy loves Sonic, she wouldn't fall in love with Shadow.

Does shadow in love with Amy?

No he is not.

Why shadow love Amy?

No, he doesn't only as a friend, same with Amy she's in love with Sonic (this isn't an argument for ShadAmy fans this is just how SEGA has made it Amy and Shadow don't love each other) but sorces say that sometimes amy likes shadow

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Shadow is an "evil" clone of Sonic and when Shadow sees Amy, he has no mention of love, unlike Sonic, so it's not likely.

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She's a fangirl of Sonic the Hedgehog.

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No, he is not. Amy and Shadow don't even love each other.

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No, they don't.

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Shadow loves no one.

Does shadow love Amy or rouge?

Shadow may not fall in love with anyone. First of all, i think rouge likes knuckles. Second, if he were to love rouge, in my opinion, she is way too flirty. Many people think they look good together which I have to admit they do but talk about how opposites attract doesn't work in this case. And Amy and shadow? Pink........ all pink...... And black and dark red.....T.T Actually Shadow may fall in love with Amy...kidding! NO WAY Amy loves sonic so i think shadow love rouge foever!

Does Amy still love shadow?

That's one thing to know, Shadow is more likely to fall in love with Cream or Blaze, so Even if she if she did it might not matter{See question: Does shadow love Amy or maria for info.} - peace out- Timmothy She never fell in love with Shadow. She has a lot of hope for him and believes in him but is not in love with him.