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An object will accelerate in the direction of the net force acting upon it. While she is traveling at a consant speed, the forces due to friction, wind resistance, and so forth are countered by the equal-in-strength but opposing force of the engine.

When she applies the brakes, the engine is no longer pushing, so there is a net force in the opposite direction of her motion. This net force accelerates her in the opposite direction of her motion -- we call this deceleration.

So, long story short, the direction of the net force is opposite to the direction of her original motion (backwards).

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Q: Sharon cruises east at 5 ms she then uses her brakes and comes to a gentle stop as Sharon slows how does the direction of the net force compare to that of her motion?
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What does the direction of acceleration depend upon?

it depends on many variables, friction, drag, what kind of object is it, does it have a motor and/or brakes. your question is too vague be specific

If you pass through a body a standing water you can dry your brakes off by?

Gently pumping your brakes.

Breifly describe how applying the brakes to stop a bicycle is an example of force?

The brakes apply force to the wheel, causing friction which stops it.

The force of friction is directed opposite of the way an object is moving because?

The force of friction is NOT ALWAYS directed opposite the direction an object is moving. Consider, for example, an object (like a book) resting on a piece of paper on a table. If you gently pull the paper and the book moves with the paper, friction between the paper and the book is causing the book to move in the same direction as the paper. Even if you pull a bit faster and the book slides in the same direction as the paper motion, but a little bit slower, the friction is the force which is pulling the book along--in the same direction of the paper motion.The direction friction is acting is opposite the direction of the relative SLIDING or attempted sliding of surfaces. In the cases above, without friction, the book would slide opposite the direction of paper motion, so the friction is in the same direction, accelerating the book along with the paper. In the first case, the book's acceleration is the same as the paper's; in the second, the book's acceleration is less than the paper's causing the book to actually slide backwards relative to the paper's motion.

What does psi stand for when you are doing air brakes test?

Pounds per square inch.

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If you are in a rear-wheel skid you must release your brakes and turn your steering wheel?

If you are in a rear-wheel skid, you must release your brakes and turn your steering wheel __________A. into the direction of the skid.B. opposite direction of the skid.C. straight.

Why disc brakes are used in two wheelers front wheel?

Braking power transmitted to the front wheel is high compare to that of rear wheel normally(60:40 or 70:30) in motor cycle.Disc brakes which has high magnitude of braking power compare to that of drum brakes are used in motor cycles to absorb the more braking power.

How do the direction of a car's velocity and acceleration compare when the car is slowing down?

When a car is slowing down, the direction of its velocity and acceleration are opposite. The car's velocity is in the direction of its motion, while its acceleration is in the opposite direction, which causes the car to decelerate.

How are breaks applied in jet engines?

A jet engine has no brakes. Though they do have thrust reversers which change the direction of thrust to slow the aircraft down. Aeroplanes have brakes on the wheels.

What is the safest thing to do when your vehicle goes into a skid?

Steer gently in the direction you want the car to go. As you begin to regain control of the car, gently apply the brakes (assuming you have anti-lock brakes) or the accelerator depending on the type of skid.

What direction is the acceleration when you use your brakes when rolling backward down a hill on a bike.?

you would be going north

Acceleration is against the direction of motion?

Acceleration can be in the opposite direction of motion, which is called deceleration. Acceleration can also be in the same direction as motion, causing an increase in speed. The direction of acceleration depends on the forces acting on the object.

Why did cabooses have 2 hand brakes?

Cabooses can go in either direction and must be manually stopped from where the conductor can see the track.

Where should I look for the best deals on car brakes?

The best deals on car brakes could be found by searching the local area or asking around for best prices. Also you may use websites to compare service etc.

How do you change the front and rear brakes on a 2002 Honda Accord 4 door LX?

Not to hard to do but you need direction. Get a manual from DISCOUNTAUTOREPAIRMANUALS.COM

Can a body moving with certain velocity in the direction of east have aeleration in the direction of west explain how?

Yes, a body moving east can have acceleration in the direction of west if an external force acts on it in the west direction. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so even if the body is moving east, it can still accelerate in the opposite direction due to an external force causing the velocity to change.

What is the negative acceleration?

Negative acceleration is the state of a body whose velocity in a specified direction is becoming smaller. If you apply the brakes while driving a car, the car (and you) will undergo negative acceleration in the direction in which the car was moving.