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This is a lens which is designed to help someone who has problems seeing at distance (myope), the light rays going into your eye are not hitting the fovea (the part of the eye located on the retina which allow you to see clearly) in the proper place, these rays are falling in front of the fovea, so by using a concave ( a minus lens) lens, this moves these light rays by diverging them and moving them back to the fovea which allows for clear vision at distance. At least this is how a concave lens is used optically speaking.

this is from winter006: concave mirrors are used in stores and gas stations to see a wider area of the store.

It's also called , a Diverging Lens .

It is thinnest in the centre and spreads light out , so it gives a diminished image .

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1w ago

A short-sighted person should use a concave lens to correct their vision. The concave lens helps to diverge incoming light rays before they reach the eye, allowing the person to focus the images properly on the retina.

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9y ago

A concave lens of suitable focal length is used to remove short sightedness of the eye because the light rays that fall on such lens fall further back on the eye's retina. Since short sightedness of the eyes are caused by light rays falling short, using a concave lens solves the problem.

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10y ago

A convex lens is used to corrent long-sightedness (hyperopia) because in a hyperopic person, the image is focused behind the retina.
The inability to see the distant objects is referred to as short sightedness.
Short sightedness refer to the inability to see very distant objects.

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13y ago

The visual impairment of being near-sighted is known as myopia. The problem for individuals with myopia is that the incoming light focuses too early in the eye--the focal point of the eye/lense system does not fall on the fovea of the retina correctly. In order correct this, glasses are used to alter the incoming light. In the case of nearsighteness, it is desired that the light focus deeper in the eye and a concave lens is used to slightly "enlarge/diverge" the image.

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11y ago

Because light rays coming from the distant object are now diverged by the concave lens so that they appear to be coming from the eye's own far point F. Therefore, rays are focused on the retina, thus forming a sharp image.

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9y ago

A concave lens is used for correcting nearsightedness. They work to make things look smaller. A concave lens magnifies the light on a flashlight an they are used in peepholes on doors.

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14y ago

A concave lens is used to correct short-sightedness,while convexed lens are used to correct long-sightedness.

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Q: Should a short sighted person use a concave or convex lens?
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When a person is far sided do the need a concave lens or convex lens?

A person who is farsighted needs a converging lens, which is a convex lens, to help focus light properly onto the retina. This type of lens helps to converge incoming light rays so that distant objects can be seen more clearly.

What kind of lenses would a farsighted person need to correct their vision?

Hyperopic, plus powered, or convex lenses.

If a person is farsighted do they need concave or convex lenses?

A person who is farsighted would need convex lenses to correct their vision. Convex lenses help to converge light rays, bringing the focus point forward onto the retina, which helps in correcting farsightedness.

How does a convex lens fix eye problems?

A convex or converging lens can fix eyes with long sighted vision. A person who is long sighted cannot focus on near objects which can be corrected by wearing a convex lens.ÊÊ

What lenses would you use for short sightedness and long sightedness?

For short-sightedness (myopia), concave lenses are used to diverge light before it reaches the eye, helping to focus the image correctly on the retina. For long-sightedness (hyperopia), convex lenses are used to converge light before it reaches the eye, assisting in bringing the image into focus on the retina.

Should a farsighted person use a concave or convex?

A farsighted person should use convex lenses to correct their vision. Convex lenses help to converge incoming light rays to focus properly on the retina of the eye, correcting vision for farsightedness.

Type of image of convex lens?

A convex lens produces a real or virtual image, depending on the object distance and focal length. With an object placed beyond the focal point, the convex lens will create an inverted, real image. If the object is between the focal point and the lens, the convex lens will produce a virtual, upright image.

Why would concave be used for near sighted?

A farsighted person can see distant objects clearly, but nearby objects appear blurry. The eyeball is too short, so the image that falls on the retina is out of focus. A convex lens corrects this by bending light rays toward each other before they enter the eye. An image then focuses on the retina.

What does a negative 5 mean in eyesight?

The person is moderately myopic (short sighted or near sighted). The person can see things that are closer clearly but things that are far will be out of focus. The eye is bulged and the image forms in front of the retina and a concave lens with -5 power will help in forming a clearer image on the retina.

Are you long sighted if you are myopic?

A myopic person is a near sighted person

Why concave lens is the lens could correct the image formed of a nearsighted person?

Human eye is optical miracle.Depending on the distance of the object, we have to change the position of the screen.In case of human eye, screen (Retina) is kept at fixed distance and eye lens is elastic and it becomes more or less thin or thick, so as to adjust image on retina. This phenomena is called accommodation. In near sighted persons lens is more convex than it should be. So we put concave lens in front of eye, so that image of distant object should fall on retina. Human brain is also miracle and after few days, it starts guessing the actual distance of the object.

What lens used to correct nearsightedness?

Eyeglasses or contact lenses with concave (minus) lenses are commonly used to correct nearsightedness (myopia). These lenses help focus light rays properly onto the retina, improving distance vision for individuals with nearsightedness.