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No, each paragraph should be about the same subject. If you start a new subject, you need to start a new paragraph also.

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13y ago

No. Change subject with a new paragraph.

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Q: Should complete paragraphs start a new subject in the last sentence?
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Why should paragraphs be linked if a paragraph can stand as a structure?

Paragraphs are a part of a body of unity in the structure of your subject: stay in subject.

What is the formula to write a complete sentence?

A complete sentence typically includes a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or what is being done to the subject). It must also express a complete thought. An example would be: "The cat (subject) sat on the mat (predicate)."

What are the 3 elements of paragraph?

The elements of paragraphs are the main point or subject, sentences or statements to explain the main point, and a conclusion sentence. A paragraph should be about only one subject and paragraphs should be arranged in the body of the writing in a chronological order.

What makes a complete gramtical sentence?

A complete grammatical sentence should have a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or experiencing). It should also express a complete thought and have a consistent tense. Additionally, it should be appropriately punctuated and structured for clarity and coherence.

Is this a complete sentence You should make an outline for your essay an outline is a helpful way to organize your ideas.?

No, the given text is not a complete sentence because it is missing the subject. A complete sentence would be "You should make an outline for your essay because it is a helpful way to organize your ideas."

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the complete subject is movie and the simple subject gown.... and how old are you? You should know this! LOL

What makes an incomplete sentence into a complete sentence?

An incomplete sentence can become complete by ensuring it has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. This means that the sentence should convey a clear idea and be grammatically correct. Adding missing words or punctuation can also help turn an incomplete sentence into a complete one.

What is the subject for the sentence get away from the water during a storm?

In the sentence "Get away from the water during a storm," the simple subject is the understood 'you.' That is the the complete thought is You should get away from the water . . .

What is required to make a complete sentence?

A complete sentence must have a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or what action is taking place). Additionally, it should express a complete thought and be punctuated correctly.

Is using the word then in the beginning of sentence make it a complete sentence?

No, starting a sentence with "then" does not make it a complete sentence on its own. It is typically used as a transition word indicating sequence or consequence and should be followed by an independent clause to form a complete sentence.

What is the simple subject for the sentence get away from the water during a storm?

In the sentence "Get away from the water during a storm," the simple subject is the understood 'you.' That is the the complete thought is You should get away from the water . . .

Is exceptional times requires exceptional measures a complete sentence?

It would be a complete sentence if it was grammatically correct. Exceptional times require exceptional measures. (The verb should match the subject, which is plural.)