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If the expecting mother has rubella during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy there is a 90 % chance it will effect her baby. This could range from the fetus having a mild abnormality to Still birth. Blindness , deafness, metal retardation are some of the other defects that could arise in the baby. The farther along the mother is when she comes down with rubella the better for the baby. After 20 weeks the risk goes down considerably to the baby. MOST people are immunized against rubella now a days well before childbearing years take hold. Those that aren't, have a low risk of getting the illness due to most of the population already being vaccinated.

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9y ago
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15y ago

the percent of the baby having congenital birth defects or being still born is %85 higher than a mother without the disease, and the percent in the second trimester is %25, and while in the third trimester there will most likely be no <b><i>SERIOUS</b></i> problems

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14y ago

For the woman, it is not more dangerous while pregnant than any other time. According to the Related link, "You may have a low-grade fever, malaise, headache, swollen lymph nodes, joint pain and swelling, reddened eyes, and a stuffy or runny nose for one to five days before a rash erupts". It is a serious illness, and you need to let a doctor know if you are having these symptoms.

For the baby, however, it can be very serious and can cause something called "Rubella Syndrome". This can cause the following in the baby (from the Related link): "There's a wide range of very serious problems associated with CRS, most commonly deafness, eye defects (which may lead to blindness), heart malformations, and neurologic problems, such as mental retardation. Other defects may also be evident at birth, or problems may surface later in infancy and childhood." I personally have a friend who was born with Rubella Syndrome. She has vision and hearing problems, and has had to wear glasses and hearing aids from an early age.

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13y ago

it can have severe complications for women in their first trimester of pregnancy. Babies may be miscarried or stillborn and a high percentage are born with birth defects.

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13y ago

can have severe complications for women in their first trimester of pregnancy. These complications include severe birth defects or death of the fetus.

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13y ago

Rubella is known to cause birth defects when diagnosed in the first trimester, however terminating a pregnancy is a personal decision which should be discussed with your doctor.

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Why only girls are given rubella vaccine?

Because only girls can get pregnant. Rubella can cause serious damage to the fetus of a pregnant women if she is to catch rubella.

Why are only girls given the rubella vaccine?

Because only girls can get pregnant. Rubella can cause serious damage to the fetus of a pregnant women if she is to catch rubella.

What can pregnant women do to avoid rubella or chickenpox?

All non-immune women of childbearing age should be vaccinated against rubella and chickenpox before pregnancy. Pregnant women should be tested for immunity to rubella at their first prenatal visit.

Why are girls around the age of 12 but not boys are vaccinated against German Measles Rubella?

Boys can't get pregnant . They want to make sure that most of the girl have immunization against Rubella. When women get pregnant and they catch Rubella, it can cause fatal disabilities to the unborn child. mamour!!

What is the rubella test?

The rubella test is a routine blood test performed as part of prenatal care of pregnant women.

What does rubella do to the body?

Rubella is a contagious infection that leaves a rash on your skin. Rubella is also called German Measles. The rash looks like either pink or light red spots, which can form evenly colored patches. Rubella can lead to swollen lymph nodes in other parts of the body, and pain and swelling in the joints. Rubella in pregnant woman can cause congenital rubella syndrome. Children who are infected with rubella pre-birth are at risk for many things such as growth and mental retardation, malformations of the heart and eyes, deafness, and liver, spleen, and bone marrow problems. It's very serious for pregnant women diagnosed with rubella get a vaccine immediately.

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Why do only girls are given the rubella vaccine when they are about 12 years old?

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