

Should reading be encouraged among student?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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11y ago

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by visiting library regularly

Here are some ways to cultivate good reading habits:

  • make reading important in your school - praise students who are good readers, offer reading prizes, or post lists of students who read a certain amount of books each year
  • have a good library in your school - offer a large variety of reading material so that any student can find something enjoyable to read
  • educate students about the importance of good reading habits - make certain to emphasize how reading improves everyday life, how it improves your chances for a good job, and how it can help you to move ahead in your life
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11y ago
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14y ago

1 Think about something you like and want to know more about then go to a library and search it up.

2 Think of somthing you like and go to a libery and search for that under fiction and you could find a very good book that is a story.

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12y ago

it depends on the age group. if it's middle schoolers then i suggest free time or treats, you could also offer playing games, or picking interesting stories to read as a class. after you read a chapter you could discuss it as a class. for books i suggest the giver by Lois lowry. i absolutley adore that book. in middle school i also read hamlet and a merchant of Venice, by Shakespeare.and the secret garden. don't underestimate the children. i didnt think i could handle any of those books, but they were great and i had a wonderful time reading them.

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12y ago

Reading culture can best be explained as a learned practice of seeking knowledge, information or entertainment through the written word. Such practice can be acquired by reading books, journals, magazines, newspaper, etc. having a reading culture has become imperative in the 21st Century for everybody, especially our children, the future of the nation. To participate effectively in our children is a task that we must take very seriously. This should be the primary goal of institutional heads, teachers, parents, and our communities at large. The declining interest in reading exhibited by our children today is a cause for alarm and a challenge to all.

Reading is obviously one of the basic things a child begins to do in the early stages of formal education, within the school building. Some children also learn to read from the parents even before they start schooling. It is through reading that children broaden their understanding of life.

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11y ago

yes, because in schools to pass you need to know how to spell, write, read and have a good vocabulary

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