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You should write it in full in any formal or academic writing.

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Q: Should the number 10 be spelled out?
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How is the number 10 spelled out when writing text?


How is 10 spelled in Spanish?

The number ten in Spanish is "diez".

What is the abbreviation for Revocable Trust?

There is no universal abbreviation. It should be spelled out.There is no universal abbreviation. It should be spelled out.There is no universal abbreviation. It should be spelled out.There is no universal abbreviation. It should be spelled out.

How is the number 11 spelled?

The number 11 is spelled as "eleven."

Is ten spelled or used as 10?

Ten is always spelled out if it is at the beginning of a sentence. Usually numbers below ten are also spelled out within a sentence, while numerals are used for any number above ten.

What is the first cardinal number to use the letter P your answer should be the number spelled out?

no number does begin with P...but the first cardinal number to use the letter P is Septillion

How should 49 be written?

Numbers 10 and less can be written numerically, e.g. 5 is written as 5. Numbers greater than 10 should be spelled out so 49 should be written as forty-nine.

Is fourteen spelled correctly?

The correct spelling of the number "14" is, indeed, "fourteen." The number "40," however, is spelled "forty."

When should you spell out a number?

In general, zero through nine are spelled out, ten and above indicated using the symbol 10, 11, 12, ... 999, etc. Number expressed with a decimal point may use the symbol such as 99.99 percent pure, and decimals below one should be indicated as 0.001 or in that manner.

How do you spell number 86?

86 spelled out is eighty-six. When writing, you should only spell out numbers that are below ten. Anything else should use numerals. However, if you must spell out a larger number, like 86, do not forget the hyphen ( - ) between "eighty" and "six."

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Should thirteen be spelled out?

In English (written work such as essays) it should be written out. In Maths or other number orientated subjects (e.g. science) it is acceptable for it to be "13".