

Should you assign homework

Updated: 11/7/2022
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11y ago

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I'm still in school, but yes you should assign homework. Even though most people hate it, including me, homework is extra practice. So that way, if you need help, the teacher can see or help you. Plus, it seperates the people who actually pay attention to the slackers.

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The teacher will assign homework to the students.

Teachers should assign homework?

Homework is to help you learn the material better by practicing. It also teaches you how to find information and how to learn new material.

What is the difference between homework and assignment?

homework is a tasks that should be done at home while assignment assign anywhere as long as you can accomplished it before due date.

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Teachers assign homework to help you understand the material - so long as there are students who are having trouble in the class, there will be homework.

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yes its called edmodo. teachers can assign homework on it

Why should not get homework?

Some people say kids shouldn't get homework because it is time-consuming & sometimes confusing. However, teachers normally assign homework to reinforce what they learned that day, review previous material, or teach something the teacher didn't get to in class.I hope this answers your question :)

Why do fifth grade teachers give ridiculous homework?

Most elementary teachers assign a reasonable level of homework based on their students' level. Sometimes, students have been "spoiled" by prior teachers not assigning enough homework. Other times, a particular student may not quite be on grade level, and may struggle with the appropriate amount of homework. On rare occasions, a teacher may mistakenly assign more than their students can handle. In this case, a group of parents should approach the teacher about unrealistic expectations. If this is unsuccessful, the parents should go to the principal.

Why should not kids get homework?

Some people say kids shouldn't get homework because it is time-consuming & sometimes confusing. However, teachers normally assign homework to reinforce what they learned that day, review previous material, or teach something the teacher didn't get to in class.I hope this answers your question :)

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Teachers assign homework to help you learn the material better and make better grades

Do dance schools assign homework?

Of course. You must practice your dancing if you want to become good at it.

Should homework be required in public school?

Generalities/Universalities are usually asking for trouble. Homework can be a useful tool to help students learn and retain information, especially given the limited class length and the difficulty for teachers to work one on one with each student, due to class size. I believe that homework should be left up to the teacher to decide if it is necessary (and not just assign homework because they think they are supposed to)

Why don't we have more homework?

Homework is to practice the material and help you learn more. If the teacher feels you're doing well, they might not assign as much work.