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maybe but your parents will protect you

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17h ago

It's important to take tornado warnings seriously and have a plan in place, but feeling excessive fear may not be productive. Stay informed about weather conditions, have a safety plan, and know where to go in case of a tornado.

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Q: Should you be afraid of tornadoes?
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Related questions

Why are children afraid of Tornadoes?

Tornadoes can be deadly and very destructive. It is quite reasonable to be afraid of them.

Why do people fear tornadoes?

everybody is afraid of somthing and tornadas are very danderas that every body should be afrad of dieing.

Why are people so afraid of a possible tornado coming their way?

People are afraid because tornadoes can destroy homes and kill people.

Can tornadoes be stopped?

No they cannot, as they are natural disasters. Can't mess with nature I'm afraid.

Why should you be on the lookout for tornadoes in a thunderstorm?

Because tornadoes are produce by thunderstorm and they can KILL you.

Why are tornadoes so scary to a lot of people?

Tornadoes can kill people and destroy homes. That is a pretty good reason to be afraid of them. When a tornado strikes you can feel the pressure drop, hear the roar, and feel the winds shaking the house.

Why should you be on the lookout for tornadoes during a thunderstrom?

Thunderstorms can produce tornadoes. Tornadoes are very dangerous and can cause major property damage, serious injury, and death.

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How was tornadoes?

I never experienced it, but it should be scary and deadly

When should people be particularly concerned about Tornadoes?

yes you need to watch out for tornadoes especially when they are formed from a dark cloud. they are not trustworthy!!

How many tornadoes did Ohio have in 2011?

Ohio had 39 tornadoes in 2011. Final data should be released in early March.

Should you be afraid of a groundhog?

you should if you believe in myths