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No. Closing the firplace flue will not make any difference in damage to you home. Closing it will only waste time better spent taking cover.

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Q: Should you close fireplace flue during a tornado?
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Is it safe to be in an automobile during a tornado?

Generally not. If a tornado is closing in on you a car is one of the most dangerous places to be. If you are in a car and a tornado is coming close get out of it and seek shelter in a sturdy building. If no such shelter is available take cover in a ditch or depression.

How fast can a tornado break a tree?

A tornado can snap a tree in a matter of seconds. See the link below for an up-close video of a small tornado striking a tree.

Which direction will the wind blow when a tornado is near?

That varies. If you are close enough to be in the area of the tornado's inflow then the wind will blow almost directly towards the tornado, perhaps a little to the right of that direction. In that case the wind direction will depend on where the tornado is relative to you. If you are beyond the inflow area for the tornado, then nothing about the wind direction would indicate the approaching tornado.

How close can you get before a tornado sucks you in?

That depends on the tornado. In the very weakest tornadoes it would be possible to stand with some difficult inside the tornado itself. In a strong enough tornado the winds may be strong enough to pull you in from as much as 200 yards away, perhaps more.

What indicates that a tornado warning should be given?

A tornado watch is issued when general weather conditions in a region are favorable for the formation of tornadoes. Tornado watches are numbered in the order that they are issued. So tornado watch 4 is the 4th tornado watch issued in the country that year.

Related questions

Should the damper be opened or close when operating the fireplace?

the flue should be opened

Do you close doors to closet shelter during tornado watch?

No. You do not need to take shelter during a tornado watch. You take shelter if a tornado warning is issued. If you are in a closet shelter you should close the door; it may not provide adequate protection otherwise.

Should you close your windows during a tornado warning?

No. If a tornado warning is issued, you should take cover as quickly as possible. Since tornadoes are usually preceded by rain, there is a good chance you will have closed your windows anyway.

Should you close flue when gas fireplace not in use?

Yes- but open before use.

Should you get out of a car and into a ditch in a tornado?

If the tornado is relatively close and no other shelter is available then yes. Tornadoes are fast moving and unpredictable, you should not attempt to outrun one.

Should you close your flue when using a gas fireplace?

No. The flue must be open to allow the carbon monoxide to escape from the house.

What function does fireplace fans serve?

The function that a fireplace fan serves is to distribute heat throughout the room that the fireplace is in. A fireplace fan is ideal because it's probably not safe to sit too close to a fireplace.

Where does a tornado happen?

in tornado alley which is in Texas and states close to it

Should you close the flue to the fireplace to keep the humidity out of the house?

The purpose of the fireplace damper is to keep the outside elements, outside. The damper is opened only when there is a fire in the fireplace.

Is it safe to be in an automobile during a tornado?

Generally not. If a tornado is closing in on you a car is one of the most dangerous places to be. If you are in a car and a tornado is coming close get out of it and seek shelter in a sturdy building. If no such shelter is available take cover in a ditch or depression.

What should a barometer measure when there is a tornado?

If a tornado passes near or over a barometer, it will measure a very rapid drop in pressure. How much the pressure drops depends on the strength of the tornado and how close the center of it comes tot he barometer.

What are some easy and inexpensive ways to reduce the heat being lost through the chimney of a fireplace?

The main thing that one should do to make sure that heat is not being lost through the chimney of a fireplace is to always close the damper when the fireplace is not in use. In addition, you can also use a fireplace door or cover to prevent additional heat loss.