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It is generally considered acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition in informal settings, but in formal writing, it is recommended to rephrase the sentence to avoid ending with a preposition.

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Q: Should you end a sentence with a proposition?
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What is wrong with ending a sentence with a proposition?

A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word to note here is that a preposition is a link and therefore can not come at the end of a sentance

What the difference between sentence and proposition?

the difference between a sentence and a proposition is a sentence is a thought like for ex. " I like cotten candy." that's a sentence. a proposition can mean 2 different things it can eather be some one asking someone else to marry them or it can be a suggestion for ex. " i propose that we re-think this law about slavery."

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In proper English usage you do not end a sentence in a preposition, so at should not end the sentence Where is Jasmine is sufficient.

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him and me

What does sentence mean in french?

The word "sentence" in French translates to "phrase" or "proposition."

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A couple of months ago law makers made propositions OR I voted no on proposition 8