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Q: Should you experiment first or make observatios first?
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What makes a valid experiment?

To make an experiment valid you have to make sure that the experiments results answer the question that you first started from.

How can you make a graph with this experiment?

To make a graph with an experiment, it would be wise to make a short graph at first. Make a rough draft using basic numbers, and draw the graph after the information is gathered.

What does a scientist make to test a hypothesis?

An experiment is designed to test the hypothesis. To create an experiment, you have to first think of the what materials are needed, and then develop a procedure.

What should be given to students before they begin a laboratory experiment?

You should have everything set out correctly.Which means you should have the notebook your going to make observations with and have your safety tools.

What is a repeatable procedure?

An experiment which can be repeated and will yield the same results. Ex. If x+y=z in the experiement if you try the experiment again you should get the same result "z".

Why is Acid important?

acid is important because we make an experiment about acid we should know what it mean.

First to conduct a scientific experiment?

Read every step of the procedure to make sure you understand it .

What should be done after data is collected for an experiment?

The scientist or student scientist should review the results. Conclusions should be drawn based on the results. Then, the hypothesis is reviewed to make sure the results confirm the hypothesis; if not, revise the hypothesis and rerun the experiment.

How should a workstation look during an experiment?

you should tie your hair and be ready for the lab and dont make a .

Why should scientists do repeated trials with every experiment?

According to the scientific method they do it because the first time they try the experiment, the results might be wrong. In the case of which many experiments are being tested multiple times, scientists want to make sure that there results are correctly answered.

How do you make classes on Roblox?

Experiment in the studio. It should be possible, just hasn't been done yet.

Why should you make a table to record data for an experiment?

Because the table is where you will get most of your marks in a practical exam.